Thursday, April 9, 2020

So What Is It You Do?

                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Oh for a closer walk with God,
A calm and heavenly frame;
A light to shine upon the road
That leads me to the Lamb!

So last week I posted the following picture on my Facebook page. Well, it certainly created a small buzz where some people thought I was a nurse on the front lines of this coronavirus. So today I thought I would write about what I do for a living.
I work in Quality in manufacturing where we make various cosmetics, lotions, shampoos and bubble baths. My role for the past 4 or 5 years has been of checking and recording the quality of any finished product on the "outside" of the piece. The lab upstairs would handle the quality of the product "inside" the container whether it was lotion, shampoo or any other.

Our day starts with the cart you see below. On it, we have everything we need to do our quality checks like a scale, torque meter, rulers, calipers etc. The cart is also mobile and we do push it around through the entire manufacturing floor where as many as 7 or 10 items are produced at one time.
It takes several people to make just one item. For instance, take a face cream. It takes about six people in total. Someone has to place the jar, another two to place the plastic seal after it fills, then another to check the cap, one to monitor the entire crew/machinery and finally someone to pack the finished pieces into a box to send into the warehouse. It is quite fascinating to watch how things are made.

As you can tell, due to the coronavirus outbreak, we are required to wear the mask and gloves once we are in the building. Everyday when we come in, the security officer takes our temperature to make sure we are safe and will not infect others. We are given two new masks for the day and a pair of gloves to wear the minute we are inside. Of course, we change our gloves multiple times throughout the day. The initial pair is to provide safe travels within the building to our destination without having to expose our hands to any possible germs on doorknobs and such. Safety first.
In the picture below, you will see my favorite spot to be stationary. It is solitary and peaceful, a nice cozy spot to do my work, especially since we are to distance ourselves from others. I share this spot with one other fellow Quality Inspector, my backup Tati.
I hope you have enjoyed this small view into what I do for majority of my day. Maybe in the future I can share more of my life like the Ministry work or family life.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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