Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Healthy Eating Update

                                    Everyday is a brand new day,
                                      everyday is a journey.

A Servant, with this clause,
Makes drudgery divine:
Who sweeps a room, as for Thy laws,
Makes that and th' action fine.

Emily and I have been chatting just the other day about our healthy lifestyle choices. It has been quite a few weeks since we gave up junk food entirely. Or I should say that I have given up the junk full force. I don't miss it at all. That is huge, because I could not say no to chips, sweets or any kind of food that was offered to me.

I still cannot believe how well I am feeling and enjoying my healthy snacks. 

I cannot tell you how displeased I have been not only with my current health insurance, but this new team of oncologists. I miss my doctor terribly and the comfort of her always having time for me. I have been so spoiled by her and her team. You don't realize just how much until they are gone. 

At my last visit in October of 2019, I took some lab tests to determine my CA125 levels and my thyroid levels. No call with the results, nothing and here we are in April already. I don't even feel as I matter.

It seems we always start off with good intentions. We make a plan, we begin the plan and the plan runs well for about a week or two. Then we slide off the plan, just a little bit at first and then it becomes a habit. The plan has failed.

For some of us, eating healthy doesn't take much effort. We give up soda and we see immediate results. For others like myself, everything has to change and one can never falter, not even for a day or we quickly go back to our old ways. 

Don't get me wrong here, I still struggle, but my effort involves more than the occasional 50% of work on my part. I may have an occasional snack, but I will spend more time exercising that evening. It's an even exchange and I don't feel as if I am failing all the time. For me, it will always be a work in progress just as everything else. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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