Thursday, April 16, 2020

Living Life Well

                                              Everyday is a brand new day,
                                               everyday is a journey.

When anyone provokes you,
 be assured it is your opinion 
which provokes you.
time and respite,
 you will more easily command yourself.

Living life well is probably the number one quest of every person dealing with a chronic illness. We all want to live the best life possible, because we know we cannot live the life we once had. It's that simple. 

Living life well means something different to everyone. Quality of life is the very fabric of our wellbeing. It shapes how we feel about ourselves, the people around us and the world itself. What may seem like the most important thing in my life, may not seem vital in someone else at all. That is why it's so difficult to place value on what is right and what is wrong when it comes to our chronic illness. We all make decisions based on our own lifestyle and needs. 

My needs have changed drastically since that first year of diagnosis back in 2007. The same can be said about the year 2013 and even now. I have been doing a lot of thinking on this subject these past few months. My 13th. cancer anniversary is fast approaching and I've been wondering what it is that I want in my own journey. 

I've been preaching preventive medicine all these years and I am still a huge advocate of it. The thing is, what about the people who have no insurance or keep getting denied Ct. scans? It's not their fault if insurance companies have their own idea of what preventive means. It's not their fault they cannot afford insurance. What do these people do then?

This is where living life well comes into place. What can I do here at home without the doctor? I have instilled a regiment of vitamins and supplements. I have changed my diet drastically over the years. It didn't happen overnight, I kept giving up or substituting foods a little at a time. This year I have begun an exercise routine several times a week. 

I've also started thinking about my mental health. What? Yes, my mental health. How can I eliminate the stresses in my life? Stress affects our health in a huge way. I started journaling, coloring, crafting more and reading. I have thought about what brings me peace and joy. I've avoided any drama or confrontations with others. I want to live  a peaceful existence. 

What does living life well mean to you?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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