Thursday, April 30, 2020

Just Share It: The Weaver

I have first developed a love for poetry in the Freshman year of High School. We had to compile a whole series of poems and illustrate them appropriately. I enjoyed every minute and I received an A+ for it, too. I don't have a favorite, which is kind of weird, because everyone else does. I guess that maybe it could be, because I love diversity. There are numerous poems out there for everyone, but I look for what the poem conveys to me. The Weaver speaks to me, because it is a relationship that I want to achieve with my Lord and Savior. I hope you enjoy. 

The Weaver
Author Unknown

My life is but a weaving
Between my Lord and me.
I cannot choose the colors
As He weaveth steadily.
Sometimes He chooses dark threads
And I in foolish pride,
Forget He sees the upper
And I the under side.
Not till the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly,
Will God unroll the canvass
And explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver's skillful hand,
As the threads of Gold and Silver,
In the pattern He has planned.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Good Night's Sleep

                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey

Only he who lives in truth finds it. 
The deepest truth is not born of conscious striving,
 but comes in the quiet hour when a noble nature gives
 itself into the keeping of life, 
to suffer, to feel, to think,
 and to act as it is moved by a wisdom not its own.
—Hamilton Mabie.

I awakened from a deep sleep, feeling rested and refreshed. It is very easy to sleep here. It's so quiet, no street noise or any kind of noise at all. This silence only occurs in the morning when the tenants have either left for work or finally settled in after the partying.

Last night, I came home from work totally exhausted, barely keeping my eyes open. It has been raining regularly for the month of April and my body could not keep up any longer. I slept so very soundly as if depraved and hungry for the release it so badly needed. 

There is something about the rain where it demands a total release whatever that release may be for you. It will cleanse one way or another. When I was younger, I loved to walk after a storm. Everything looked so clean, green and alive. Flowers and plants could have been drooping from the heat, but after the rain, they stood to attention. Amazing what the living water can do for one.

My only wish is that I don't have a lovely picture window to look out from so I could see the effects of the rain as they happen. Funny, the things one misses when they are no longer available. What do you miss? I seem to miss such small things of absolutely no significance to anyone, but me. A picture window. A good cup of coffee. A foot rub. A peaceful afternoon with a good book.

For now, allow me to bask in the good feeling that has embraced me. These moments are so short lived, so fleeting one must appreciate them and hold onto them for as long as one can. Here's to your morning. Here's to your moment.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Healthy Eating Update

                                    Everyday is a brand new day,
                                      everyday is a journey.

A Servant, with this clause,
Makes drudgery divine:
Who sweeps a room, as for Thy laws,
Makes that and th' action fine.

Emily and I have been chatting just the other day about our healthy lifestyle choices. It has been quite a few weeks since we gave up junk food entirely. Or I should say that I have given up the junk full force. I don't miss it at all. That is huge, because I could not say no to chips, sweets or any kind of food that was offered to me.

I still cannot believe how well I am feeling and enjoying my healthy snacks. 

I cannot tell you how displeased I have been not only with my current health insurance, but this new team of oncologists. I miss my doctor terribly and the comfort of her always having time for me. I have been so spoiled by her and her team. You don't realize just how much until they are gone. 

At my last visit in October of 2019, I took some lab tests to determine my CA125 levels and my thyroid levels. No call with the results, nothing and here we are in April already. I don't even feel as I matter.

It seems we always start off with good intentions. We make a plan, we begin the plan and the plan runs well for about a week or two. Then we slide off the plan, just a little bit at first and then it becomes a habit. The plan has failed.

For some of us, eating healthy doesn't take much effort. We give up soda and we see immediate results. For others like myself, everything has to change and one can never falter, not even for a day or we quickly go back to our old ways. 

Don't get me wrong here, I still struggle, but my effort involves more than the occasional 50% of work on my part. I may have an occasional snack, but I will spend more time exercising that evening. It's an even exchange and I don't feel as if I am failing all the time. For me, it will always be a work in progress just as everything else. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Being Comfortable With Uncertainty

                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Four things come not back—
the spoken word, the sped arrow, 
the past life, the neglected opportunity.
—William Hazlitt.

Being comfortable with uncertainty. I stared at that sentence for a long time. I thought about that sentence everywhere I went. How does one become comfortable with uncertainty? How does one go about changing one's whole personality in one big gulp? It involved faith and trust, I knew that much.

Isn't that how we feel about Christ? We never met Him or spoke to Him, but yet we believe in Him. Why can't we take that same method, that same belief system and become comfortable with uncertainty? Well, than we first have to define what that uncertainty looks like. Maybe your uncertainty looks different than mine. We can't judge each others ability levels to do anything if we all have a different view of uncertainty.

So what is your uncertainty?

For some it could mean being alone in life. To others it could mean never being a parent. Or someone like me, it could mean their health. I've been working on that for the last couple of months. I've looked to my past and what helped me get through the muddled times. I became still and I let go so I could be led to where I needed to be. 

I've immersed myself in my journaling. It all began so innocently, just a daily log of my activities. Then one night while I binge watched all these channels, one after another, people poured out their hardships. I wrote prayer after prayer in that journal for each of them. Then a co-worker asked me to pray for them and then another. Suddenly, my daily log turned into a prayer journal. 

Here we are, several months later and I've realized how much calmer I am with that uncertainty I was facing. I was so busy praying for others that I never gave my own fears a moment of my own time. I focused on something other than what I was going through and I'm on my way to overcoming it!

I worry about it less and less. My plan is to keep moving doing what I need to do. No looking back to things that I cannot control. Life keeps moving no difference if I'm here living it or not. Might as well join it.

Have a blessed day everyone.  

Saturday, April 25, 2020

When Scheduling Goes Awry

                           Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.     

Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul,
  As the swift seasons roll!
  Leave thy low-vaulted past!
  Let each new temple, nobler than the last,
  Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast,
  Till thou at length art free,
  Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea!

I have written about time management and organization for what seems like forever. I think deep down inside I really want to find that perfect fit for me. I think we all do. The problem is that our schedules change all the time. Just when we get the hang of it, Bam! Time for a change. Something new has come up.

Time, scheduling, organization . . . . all of these are my nemesis. If I could combat these my life would run like clockwork, but then how dull it would be! I can laugh now, because I no longer even bother with trying to make my life perfect. I do what I can when I can.

We spend so much money for that perfect planner, book or organizing trick that will make our life run smoothly. There are way too many expert people out there that claim this can happen in 5 easy steps. Maybe a couple more, depending on the book, I guess.

I don't know about you, but whatever I organized when my children were small only stayed that way for a day or two. Then we were back to square one. Social media always likes to remind the average parent that they can do it all just like the Brady Bunch or The Modern Family. The mom is perfectly dressed, the perfect cook, runs the family, works and has time to volunteer a batch of chocolate chip cookies for school the next day . . . for every child. Not!

Here I am without any small children to take care of or a home to run or even married, yet scheduling gets away from me. It seems it hasn't gotten any better with age! Something else I have noticed, it also doesn't seem to bother me as much as it did. I think I've finally realized that we can only do what we can when we can. Things just fall into place . . . eventually.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Are You Not Afraid?

                                         Everyday is a brand new day,
                                         everyday is a journey.

I cannot say,
Beneath the pressure of life's cares to-day,
I joy in these;
But I can say
That I had rather walk this rugged way,
If Him it please.

Having a recurrent carcinoma has in a way prepared me for any pandemic that may hit us. It has come as a surprise to many of my friends or co-workers just how calm I have been during this virus crisis. I am often asked if I am afraid to be an essential worker or even going out in public, because of my cancer. The truth is, I am not afraid. I guess I have no fear, mostly due to what I have already experienced. Each time my cancer returned, there was something new for me to learn. I've long accepted the fact that I could die from cancer.

When I was a young woman, I feared death immensely. I feared what I would "feel' laying in the ground amidst the worms. I was worried that they would begin the embalming process and I wasn't really dead. Silly, isn't it? How could I feel anything if I was dead to begin with? Yet, these were some of the things that ran through my mind.

As a born again Christian, I feel so much calmer about death and illness. If I were to get sick, then I guess I would start the  process of treatment all over again, whether it is with the virus or the cancer. My time here is limited no matter if I have cancer or not, I will eventually die from something. Besides, I don't feel as if this is "the end" of my existence overall. Maybe here on Earth, but my journey continues on with My Savior.

I think we are ready to rejoin the community, at least the work force. We all should at this point know what we need to do to stay safe while in the public atmosphere. We all know the do's and don'ts of this virus. So am I afraid? No, but I am very much aware of what has to be done on my end. As long as everyone does their part, we will be just fine.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A Welcoming Cleanse

                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey

The tissue of the life to be
,We weave with colors all our own
,And in the field of
We reap as we have sown.

The Heavens opened up in a downpour that was fast and furious. In one quick sweep, all the filth was washed away. That's Heaven for you, cleansing the Earth from top to bottom making everything look pristine once again.

I love a good ole thunderstorm with lightening flashing across the sky. Never cared much for the drizzling kind of rain as if it couldn't make up it's mind whether it should rain or not. That's a lukewarm kind of thing to me and no one cares for anything lukewarm.

Don't you wish you could do that with your own life? Just wipe the slate clean and do a do over?
All Winter long, my joints felt pretty darn good. Oh yes, there were moments of swollen legs when the cold air hit, but they didn't hurt. I've forgotten what the cold and dampness does to one's joints. Everyday this week, I have woken up feeling as if being hit by a semi. Everything hurt. Every single joint in my body from my head to my toes ached and keeps on aching.

I wondered if I moved to a dry heat State if my legs would hurt like this? Would they swell up? I often wonder if I am living in the wrong place for my health. Would it be easier for me and my cancer? Who knows? Sometimes, I think we all need something to ache to remind us of how good we really have it when it doesn't. We tend to forget and appreciate our everyday ordinary life.

Whenever it rains and Emily gets stuck in it, she welcomes it. To her it is like being Baptized all over again. Well, it's been raining this entire month of April a.k.a. the coronavirus month. Maybe a good cleansing is in order.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Some Java Please

                                                Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                everyday is a journey.

Because I spent the strength Thou gavest me
  In struggle which Thou never didst ordain,
  And have but dregs of life to offer Thee--
    O Lord, I do repent.

One of my routine tasks involves dropping this young lady off at work. As you can see, it is in the middle of the night, a whopping 2:50 a.m.!

 Here she is on different days during the past Winter opening up. One would think she would be afraid to be by herself in the middle of the night, but she loves it. 

 Everyday, she opens and prepares the place for when the crew arrives to start their day. She bakes fresh croissants, muffins and bagels.

 Of all the different places she had worked, this is her favorite shift to work on, because for the majority of it she works alone. 

So that my friends, is how my day ends and hers begins. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Just Share It: Linda Ellis

                                Everyday is a brand new day,
                                everyday is a journey.

Judge not; the workings of his brain
And of his heart thou canst not see;
What looks to thy dim eyes a stain,
In God's pure light may only be
A scar, brought from some well-won field,
Where thou wouldst only faint and yield.

The other day at work, one of the mechanics comes over to share with me a poem that was read at a funeral he attended the night before. Now, this mechanic is a big, burly guy and he was brought to tears with this poem. I was extremely intrigued to read it since I have never heard of it before. I have to warn you, it's a real tear jerker. Enjoy my friends. 

I read of a man who stood to speak at a funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on the tombstone from the beginning… to the end.
He noted that first came the date of birth and spoke of the following date with tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time they spent alive on earth and now only those who loved them know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own, the cars… the house… the cash. What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard; are there things you’d like to change? For you never know how much time is left that still can be rearranged.
To be less quick to anger and show appreciation more and love the people in our lives like we’ve never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile… remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.
So when your eulogy is being read, with your life’s actions to rehash, would you be proud of the things they say about how you lived your dash?
Have a blessed day everyone.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Living Life Well

                                              Everyday is a brand new day,
                                               everyday is a journey.

When anyone provokes you,
 be assured it is your opinion 
which provokes you.
time and respite,
 you will more easily command yourself.

Living life well is probably the number one quest of every person dealing with a chronic illness. We all want to live the best life possible, because we know we cannot live the life we once had. It's that simple. 

Living life well means something different to everyone. Quality of life is the very fabric of our wellbeing. It shapes how we feel about ourselves, the people around us and the world itself. What may seem like the most important thing in my life, may not seem vital in someone else at all. That is why it's so difficult to place value on what is right and what is wrong when it comes to our chronic illness. We all make decisions based on our own lifestyle and needs. 

My needs have changed drastically since that first year of diagnosis back in 2007. The same can be said about the year 2013 and even now. I have been doing a lot of thinking on this subject these past few months. My 13th. cancer anniversary is fast approaching and I've been wondering what it is that I want in my own journey. 

I've been preaching preventive medicine all these years and I am still a huge advocate of it. The thing is, what about the people who have no insurance or keep getting denied Ct. scans? It's not their fault if insurance companies have their own idea of what preventive means. It's not their fault they cannot afford insurance. What do these people do then?

This is where living life well comes into place. What can I do here at home without the doctor? I have instilled a regiment of vitamins and supplements. I have changed my diet drastically over the years. It didn't happen overnight, I kept giving up or substituting foods a little at a time. This year I have begun an exercise routine several times a week. 

I've also started thinking about my mental health. What? Yes, my mental health. How can I eliminate the stresses in my life? Stress affects our health in a huge way. I started journaling, coloring, crafting more and reading. I have thought about what brings me peace and joy. I've avoided any drama or confrontations with others. I want to live  a peaceful existence. 

What does living life well mean to you?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The World Keeps On Turning

                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Lord, I my vows to thee renew
disperse my sins as morning dew
guard my first springs of thought and will
and with thyself my spirit fill
Thomas Ken

Life around here has been pretty quiet ever since the outbreak of the coronavirus. At least at home. Emily and I head out into the world for two reasons: Work and an occasional grocery shopping trip usually just for fruit/greens. We try to limit our activities outside among people as much as possible, always asking ourselves if this is a necessity for us or not. Emily has been experimenting in the kitchen as she has more time on her hands. Her work hours have been cut in half.

 All the quiet that we have been experiencing at home does not extend into our work force. For me, work has continued on even though many of the people are not here. They are coming and going, using their vacations, fmla or anything else they can get hold of in order so they can stay home. People are either afraid, want to shelter in place or continue working. Either way, there is plenty of gossip, innuendos and drama. People really do lose their way when in a struggle of any kind. They don't band together, instead they separate and the "me" mentality takes over. I shouldn't say all, but a good portion really show their ugly side.

 Restaurants and stores are offering curbside ordering. Businesses are still operating via the internet. Churches are using Facebook to preach online.  No matter what is going on, the world is still turning. People are adapting to their situations. The need to survive, to thrive is strong and no one can take that away from you.

We will come out of this, we will adapt and succeed. We may need to address how we do things, but we will be fine.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Just Share It:Sarah Geringer

                             Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

A memory without a blot 
or contamination must be 
an inexhaustible source of 
pure refreshment.
—Charlotte Brontë.

 Social media has exploded with images of couples living their best lives ever, mostly on Valentine's Day. What young girl wouldn't be a bit envious, especially if she is waiting on her Prince Charming. For a long time, Valentines Day has been a very difficult day in our home. For many young girls it can be a day full of anxiety and envy over their own futures. They watch as couples give each other exuberant gifts of love. When will it happen to them? We never cared for Valentine Day for that reason alone. We all want to feel special and loved, don't we? To all the young girls waiting for their loves, I hope you read the following. I so felt this author's pain as she reflected on all her years of wanting her own flowers from her very own Valentine. Enjoy.

If You Don’t Get Flowers Today

Listen to this devotion

“It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people.” Psalm 118:8 (NLT)

I carefully lifted my windshield wiper to retrieve the frozen pink rose that cold Valentine’s Day years ago. A freshman in college, I had stopped by my car to eat a snack between my morning classes and excitedly wondered who sent me this surprise. My heart pounded in anticipation.

Starting up the engine for warmth, I rubbed my palms together before opening the attached card. The rose was from … my mom. Her words in the card were kind and encouraging. So why did I still feel empty inside?

The truth was, I wished the rose was from a secret admirer. A young man, not my mom. Since my last date had been an embarrassing dud, spaced far after the previous one, I longed for a new romance to fill me up. My guilt and loneliness combined into a frustrating mixture.

I felt like a cup with no bottom.

No matter what I put inside the cup, I didn’t feel full. Roses, chocolate, books, TV shows, fantasies and even relationships couldn’t fill it. Loneliness seemed to be the only thing filling that bottomless space, and I was weary of its constant, haunting presence.

My parents divorced when I was 4 years old, and the day my daddy left was the day loneliness took up permanent residence in my heart and mind. Though I wished it would go away, I had no power to push it out the door. Loneliness lingered every time I craved love and attention that was in such short supply.

Then in high school, I developed resentment over the flowers and gifts I saw lined up in the cafeteria every February 14. None of them were for me. I believed the devil’s whispered lie — None of them will ever be for you. You’ll always be lonely.

About 15 years after that frozen-rose morning, I sat in a counselor’s office. After listening to my stories of constant loneliness, he observed, “Relationships are very important to you, aren’t they?” His simple, judgment-free question was a pivotal point in my spiritual journey.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Have You Ever Wanted To Give Up?

                                      Everyday is a brand new day,
                                       everyday is a journey.

In speech right gentle,
 yet so wise: princely of mien,
Yet softly mannered; modestdeferent,
And tender-hearted, though of a fearless blood.

Have you ever wanted to give up?

During my almost thirteen years with cancer, I have never been asked that question and I have been asked a lot of questions. I'm almost glad I was not face to face with the individual who asked it, because I was left speechless. I needed to think about my answer, because I had no idea how to answer it. It was never even on my mind. 

How am I to answer that? Did I even have a choice in the matter? I had a teenage daughter to raise and a house to lead. My son was living on his own, but still quite young. I had responsibilities and as far as I knew, there was no other way out. One had to endure for the sake of everyone else who was depending on me.

Maybe I would have behaved differently if I was older, alone or free from the obligations of others. Many people out there make these types of decisions based on what their needs are at that particular moment. We can never judge their decision to quit or not. We have no idea what people are struggling with or facing when it comes to the quality of life. Ask anyone how far they would limit their quality of life and you will quickly see not far at all. We all want to be able to take care of ourselves, by ourselves. 

So have I ever wanted to give up? No, but I cannot claim to answer in the same way in a year or two or even ten. I have no idea what I will be experiencing or struggling at that time. I also cannot answer for others nor judge them for it. We all do what is best for us at that particular time. That's all we can do.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Friday, April 10, 2020

My Crazy Weekly Update

                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Is thy cruse of comfort wasting?
    Rise and share it with another,
  And through all the years of famine,
    It shall serve thee and thy brother.
  Is thy burden hard and heavy?
    Do thy steps drag heavily?
  Help to bear thy brother's burden;
    God will bear both it and thee.

Last weekend, as I looked up into the night sky, I saw a full moon.I knew right then that it would be a crazy week. A full moon always brings out the chaos, havoc and miscommunication. Don't get me wrong, I am not in the least bit superstitious, but too many occurrences have happened where this is true. 

Folks, I barely slept this week with all that has been going on in the world and in my workplace handling of this virus situation. If anything, I hope we learn from this experience and set in place some guidelines for future use. 

Misinformation can be the biggest enemy, the biggest threat that anyone of us can face. Even outside in the public spree, people have no clue or they are misinformed of what is the appropriate action to take among others. Everyone has their own idea of what needs to be done, usually stemming from nothing, but gossip and hearsay.

When I was a young girl, I longed for what the city had to offer.I wanted to experience all the excitement of all the glittery things I thought brought success. People are selfish and do not care as long as their needs are met. I am sorry if I sound like an old woman, but we have turned into Sodom and Gomorrah. 

I wish I could tune the entire world out and just hear the sweet voice of my Savior. There is way too much noise out there and my head aches. Oh, how I long to retire into the cornfields of empty space where birds can be heard singing and wide blue skies overhead. 

I wish I could say that I believe people will change their lives, their lifestyles, their ways, but we know that would be a lie. I read somewhere that we as people have a gratitude level of three months and then we forget what we were grateful for in the first place. Sadly, that is very true. Please, please think about where you are headed, really think about it. 


Thursday, April 9, 2020

So What Is It You Do?

                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Oh for a closer walk with God,
A calm and heavenly frame;
A light to shine upon the road
That leads me to the Lamb!

So last week I posted the following picture on my Facebook page. Well, it certainly created a small buzz where some people thought I was a nurse on the front lines of this coronavirus. So today I thought I would write about what I do for a living.
I work in Quality in manufacturing where we make various cosmetics, lotions, shampoos and bubble baths. My role for the past 4 or 5 years has been of checking and recording the quality of any finished product on the "outside" of the piece. The lab upstairs would handle the quality of the product "inside" the container whether it was lotion, shampoo or any other.

Our day starts with the cart you see below. On it, we have everything we need to do our quality checks like a scale, torque meter, rulers, calipers etc. The cart is also mobile and we do push it around through the entire manufacturing floor where as many as 7 or 10 items are produced at one time.
It takes several people to make just one item. For instance, take a face cream. It takes about six people in total. Someone has to place the jar, another two to place the plastic seal after it fills, then another to check the cap, one to monitor the entire crew/machinery and finally someone to pack the finished pieces into a box to send into the warehouse. It is quite fascinating to watch how things are made.

As you can tell, due to the coronavirus outbreak, we are required to wear the mask and gloves once we are in the building. Everyday when we come in, the security officer takes our temperature to make sure we are safe and will not infect others. We are given two new masks for the day and a pair of gloves to wear the minute we are inside. Of course, we change our gloves multiple times throughout the day. The initial pair is to provide safe travels within the building to our destination without having to expose our hands to any possible germs on doorknobs and such. Safety first.
In the picture below, you will see my favorite spot to be stationary. It is solitary and peaceful, a nice cozy spot to do my work, especially since we are to distance ourselves from others. I share this spot with one other fellow Quality Inspector, my backup Tati.
I hope you have enjoyed this small view into what I do for majority of my day. Maybe in the future I can share more of my life like the Ministry work or family life.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Just Share It: Ken Harrison

                               Everyday is a brand new day,
                                everyday is a journey

I believe where the love of God 
is verily perfected, 
and the true spirit of government
 watchfully attended to,
 a tenderness towards all
 creatures made subject 
to us will be experienced; 
and a care felt in us,
 that we do not lessen that
 sweetness of life
 in the animal creation,
 which the great Creator 
intends for them
 under our government. 
To say we love God as unseen,
 and at the same time exercise cruelty
 toward the least creature
 moving by His life, 
or by life derived from Him, 
was a contradiction in itself.

I know that when it comes to my Ministry, I rarely see the people that receive my crocheted items. I do wonder to myself if they like them or even if they prayed about receiving a nice blanket or a scarf. It would be very fulfilling to me to know the items I made were of great use to them. Maybe one day I will have the opportunity to see the good that came from it as the young man below. Enjoy.

Servant Kings

by Ken Harrison
When I was nineteen, I got a job at an underage nightclub working as a doorman. I had walked with the Lord my whole life, so this job was getting me an education in a world with which I was completely unfamiliar. The club was in a rough area of town, and homeless people often milled around the front door. There was one homeless man who was like a mirror image of me, only black. He was the same age, height, and build and always seemed to be around. Even on warm summer days, he was never without his denim jacket with brown corduroy sleeves.

I'd often go to a sandwich place that was open late to get something to eat. Sometimes I ate only half the sandwich and gave the other half to him. I didn't think much about it; he was hungry and I had half a sandwich. On a few cold nights I bought him coffee. Each time I handed him something, he'd just nod. I never heard him say a word.

I really didn't fit in with the scene at that club, and my Christian lifestyle and values were apparent to the owners. They never saw me take part in the club’s activities, so, regarding me as a trustworthy employee, they promoted me to manager within a few months.

One night three guys in their late teens forced their way through the front door without paying admission, and I was called on to confront them. Somehow I got them outside the door, but as we exited, one of the teens threw a punch that caught me square on my jaw. He hit me again and then again. He hit me about ten times over the next thirty seconds. He was a trained fighter and moved and punched far more quickly than I could defend myself. I was finally able to get ahold of him and got him to the ground, which ended the fight. I looked around, wondering what had happened to the other two teens and saw them stretched out on the ground, unconscious. Standing over them was the homeless man, fists clenched. He was barely breathing hard.

“Thanks, man,” was all I could say between gasps for breath. He just nodded.

Twenty years later, after becoming the CEO of a large company, I was walking down the sidewalk in the same city when I saw that homeless man. I could hardly believe it – he was wearing the same denim jacket with the corduroy sleeves. It was tattered and dirty but the same jacket. I emptied my wallet and walked up to him, handing him the cash. “You helped me out once,” I said. He just nodded and walked away.

This was similar to an event that happened to an officer I knew while I was a police officer with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). We were working in the notoriously high-crime area called 77th Division. The gang war was in full swing, and we were struggling with a vicious gang called the Eight Trey Crips. Though they were part of Crips street gang, they killed other Crips, as well as those from their rival gang, the Bloods.

Around two o'clock in the morning on a hot summer night, I was writing an arrest report in the break room of 77th station. An officer walked in with a dazed look in his eyes and a bandage on his head. He shuffled over to the coffee dispenser and put a quarter in, waiting for the weak, lukewarm coffee to drip into a tiny cup. Then he threw down a sheet of paper and stared at it, trying to figure out how to start a report. “Man, what happened to you?” I asked.

He blinked and focused slowly my face. Looking back on it, I realize that he probably had a concussion, but in those days we were told to just “shake it off.”

“l was in foot pursuit of a couple of Eight Treys, man,” the officer said. “l got separated from my partner during the pursuit and jumped over a fence. The kid I was chasing ducked under a clothesline, and when I went to tackle him, the line got me under the chin. I never saw it. It flipped me backward,
and I bounced my head off the concrete. Knocked me out cold, man.”

He blinked a few times. “I woke up indoors on some guy’s couch. He’d seen the whole thing, come outside, and carried me into his house and hid me from the Crips.” The officer held his head in his hands, trying to quell the pain.

“They’ll kill him for that,” I said.

“Yeah ... no,” he said, furrowing his brow. “We called the fire department, and they snuck me out of his house on a stretcher. The gangsters didn't see he had a cop in his house.” He shook his head slowly. “When I came to, the guy said, ‘l seen you around before. You were always fair to everyone. You’re one of the good cops. I wasn’t gonna let them kill you.’ You know, Harrison, if those Eight Treys would’ve seen me laying there unconscious, they’d have put a bullet in my head.”

“Yeah,” I said, “you got lucky.”

“No,” he said, “I treat everyone with respect. I never figured people were watching though. I never thought it would save my life.”

His actions had consequences and they saved his life. My actions as a teenager had consequences, and they saved me a trip to the emergency room. In his case and mine, black men risked their safety and even their lives to save white men because of some small acts of kindness that neither of us realized
would come to matter so much.

Giving a cup of coffee to a cold man, treating poor people with respect, these are small actions that should typify every Christian (Matthew 10:42). But they don't typify every Christian, do they? These are not actions that can simply be summoned up when you want them. They are consequences of living a life of obedience to God.

A man who is in love with God is a man who is in love with other people. Neither that fellow officer nor I thought about what we were doing. Our actions were the outward expression of our nature. We were men in love with Jesus. We acted like servant kings.

 Have a blessed dasy everyone.