Monday, December 3, 2018

No Connection

                                                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.


MY heart for gladness springs,
    It cannot more be sad,
  For very joy it laughs and sings,
    Sees nought but sunshine glad.

I struggle with technology. You all know this and there is nothing more I detest than techno problems. Oh my Lord, I could lose my mind over techno problems! So while I was at work during our very first snowstorm, I got this warning message from my cable network that there might be some problems, due to the ice. I literally groaned out loud, because I knew that meant we had a problem.

Of course, we lost connection. We thought nothing of it at first, because majority of the suburbs around us have lost power due to the cold/ice. The traffic lights were out, too. Well, it must have been pretty bad, but not to worry, it will come back on. It didn't.

I spent Sunday after Church, a day that was to be my nesting day, plugging and unplugging this darn cable. First of all, there are wires everywhere. One has to move furniture aside and dust it off. Lord, we need to dust around here. One of us, not sure which one. Emily suddenly left the room so I guess it's me.

Nothing happened. Please, please don't make me call technical support. They speak a language that no one normal can understand. Their jargon isn't mine. Believe me, I was ready to open up the window and toss the darn thing out. Period. I just knew I had to make that call.

I sat and screamed into the phone as the recording claimed it didn't understand my answers. Why, Lord, why? Finally, a human being answered. A woman! From Mississippi, not India! She walked me through it and the cable came on. I whooped and hollered. Praised the Lord and she laughed so hard at my antics. So you see, I survived another technology defect day instead of my nesting day. 

A sigh of relief and a cup of tea. Now , I can rest from all this mayhem. So grateful, so very grateful.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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