Tuesday, December 4, 2018


(of a person) having one's true identity concealed.

"in order to observe you have to be incognito"

synonyms:under an assumed name, under a false name, in disguise, disguised, under cover, in plain clothes, camouflage

I wish I could seclude myself atop a mountain somewhere in a small cabin. This cabin has to have wifi or it's a no go, lol.

I feel like I am pulled in several directions, being everything to everyone else. I can remember Joyce Meyer's once saying that she gets up early every morning to make herself available to everyone, but her day ends at exactly 5 p.m. The evenings are all her. She comes home and locks herself away in her side of the house doing things just for herself. I can relate no problem.

I don't mind being there for others, but I need some time alone. When it was decided we were to be off these past few days, I was excited making plans to nest. Of course, these things never quite work out the way we may want them to. There were deliveries to be made, yarn delivered and crocheted items to pick up. Then the darn cable wasn't working, the lighting wasn't any good for making vlogs. Nothing worked out the way it was planned originally. Nothing.

The days slipped by faster than they came. I guess, I shouldn't complain, because one day I will be alone and then what will I do with myself? Would I really enjoy it? Probably not. We are always wanting something that isn't attainable. If I could, it wouldn't be my fave anymore, would it?

Yet, there is something very comforting to think we can hide in our favorite place. A place where no one else can enter. It's almost the same when we think of getting into our car and driving away someplace, anywhere. We picture a long and winding road that has no final destination. We have a deep desire to get away from it all, even if it is for a small while. I am sure we all wished to be invisible for a day, walking around where no one else sees us, doing whatever we want to do.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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