Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A Christmas Eve Tradition

                                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                           everyday is a journey.

In battle or business, 
whatever the game,
In law or in love,
 it is ever the same:
In the struggle for power, 
or scramble for pelf,
Let this be your motto:
 "Rely on yourself."

I wanted to get up really early, truly I did, but I was just too tired! Why would it matter anyway? I'm home for Christmas vacation and have no need to be up early for anything. Oh, but you are wrong!

We have this Polish tradition that we have been acting out every Christmas Eve. For as long as I could remember, we would try to be the very best we could on this day. We believe that how your Christmas Eve goes that's how the rest of the year will go,too. 

If you wake up late, then you will be waking up late all year.

If you argue with people, then your relationships will not go well all year.

If you have many calls or visits, then all year long you will have many social activities.

If you cry on this day, you will be crying all year long.

You get the picture. Of course, I slept in and didn't get up real early at all. In fact, all of my plans of being busy cleaning, laundry and stuff went poof. I had a really nice day, relaxing with writing and crocheting. A perfect day. 

Of course, we are not superstitious people so we are only having fun with it. It's still nice to kid around and laugh. I can remember my mom even washing her face in a bowl of water with coins in it for prosperity for the year. They are just fun filled traditions of old to pass on to the next generation. 

What are some family traditions within your own family that you still continue with all this time? Have you made any of your own? I would definitely love to hear about them all. How was your Christmas Eve?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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