Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The De-Cluttering Begins

                                                                      Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                        everyday is a journey. 

Leave God to order all thy ways,
    And hope in Him, whate'er betide;
  Thou 'It find Him in the evil days
    Thy all-sufficient strength and guide;
  Who trusts in God's unchanging love,
  Builds on the rock that nought can move.

So the kitchen is painted and we are left with the realization that somewhere along the way of us living here we have collected way too much stuff. I don't know how this happened. . . again. I know that before we moved here, we de-cluttered plenty! So what happened? Well, it's a problem we all face. We get rid of some things and end up replacing it with new things. Definitely not what we set out to do a few years back. 

With so many things going on around here, many of them uncertain, we have decided to prepare the only way we know. It's time to make order in our home. Start at one end and work our way to the other. Slow and study wins the race. Another reason for that is to keep our minds off the negativity. There is nothing worse than our minds running wild with things that will probably never happen. Busy hands and busy minds.

There is a slight difference with this de-cluttering. Before, we threw out many things that were chipped, rusted out and not in such a good condition. This time, we are seriously choosing a select few items based on two questions: 
1. If we were to move right now into our more permanent home, what would we take with us?
2. What are the very, very important things in our life that have to come with us no matter where we go?

These two questions change everything. You see, many things here are only here, because of the now. If we were to move elsewhere, they would not come with and we would upgrade. We haven't upgraded on many things like a new living room set or a large flat screen television. You get the point.

No matter how you may choose to de-clutter your home, what is important here is communication with the people living with you. You don't want to be throwing out someone's things without their approval. Before we did anything here, Emily and I sat down to discuss the two questions above. If there is any doubt to an item, I'll wait until I can ask her. It's important to remember that what is a treasure to me, may not be a treasure to her. And vice versa.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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