Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Raining, But Nice

                                                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                         everyday is a journey.

Lord! who Thy thousand years dost wait
    To work the thousandth part
  Of Thy vast plan, for us create
    With zeal a patient heart.

Rain. There is something about rain that is so calming and sexy. It represents power and strength to me. One can also sleep soundly during a storm. I love the rain, always have. Storms have never scared me like they do others. Let it rage! The bigger the better. Around here we rarely have a raging downpour, usually opting to rain at night.

The last couple of nights it rained, but I suspected as much. My information did not come from watching the weather forecast, it came from the cows. Yes, the cows. While we were at the Wagner Farm, I saw the cows all together in a huddle under a tree. I remembered my brother Ted, telling me about the cows while visiting him in Wisconsin, it means rain. Only over there it was a huge herd of cows. 

I really enjoyed being at home for a couple of days. It was cool enough to leave the windows open. Thank goodness for that, because the place needed some airing out. We bought a halibut for supper the other day. Let me tell you, that fish is the stinkiest fish ever! It smelled up my car! It smelled up my refrigerator! It smelled up the place! It's been days and I could still smell it! I have sprayed Fabreeze everywhere to no avail. Stin-ky!

Then we had a small adventure one night while I was off from work. Our front door has like four locks. It has what I call a door stopper, a chain link, a top lock and a bottom lock. We keep in place all four and often laugh at the top level security we have around here.The back door is the same, except we only use one of the locks since we go in and out through it the most. 

Well, while I was painting, I must have moved the door stopper lock in the kitchen a little without knowing it. I left to pick up Emily from work and upon arriving back, found I could not get into the apartment. The door stopper lock fell into place, not all the way, but enough. We can't go in the front door with it's top notch security enforcement. All the lights are off in the entire building. It was like after 11 p.m. at night on a weeknight. 

We stood outside facing our living room window, wide open, wondering how we could climb in. We do live on the second floor and we are not Spiderman. Not a soul outside, not even one walking a dog. I decided to take a walk around the building in case I could see a light in one of the apartments. If I did, that's the one I'm knocking on for help. No lights. Emily stayed behind, trying to unscrew the door stopper lock on our front door by squeezing her fingers through the small crack available. Quite proud of her. Maybe she would have luck jimmying the lock.

I walked to the back entrance and decided to give it another try. Maybe if I used my shoulder and gave it a good push, it would break free of that door stopper. It worked. By the Grace of God, it worked. I have to say, I'm really proud of both of us. Neither Emily nor I lost our cool. We just set out to solve the problem. 

Oh, by the way, it rained that night! Have a blessed day everyone.

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