Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A Coloring Contest

                                                                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

So here hath been dawning another blue day;
  Think, wilt thou let it slip useless away?
  Out of eternity this new day is born;
  Into eternity at night will return.

Sitting here at my desk this very early morning, I couldn't help but smile. I'm coloring while listening to my daily podcasts of various preachers. What a picture I must make. A woman in her fifties coloring like a little girl. 

My work has sponsored a coloring contest among us employees just for fun. The winner goes home with a survival kit of some sort. There are three coloring pages to choose from, but only one entry per associate. Why not? Being a single woman, I could always use a survival kit. I wonder if it involves a Bible?

I always enter any fun contests that the Company has for it's employees. Some have included the monthly policy and community contests. I have won a few of those, mostly because people don't enter. You have to play to win. 

This isn't the first time I spent a few hours coloring. My friend, Cindy, has given me an adult coloring book while in hospital. I've never realized how relaxing it is to just sit still and color. One's mind and body total in unison, total peace. I need to do this more often. We all do.

What a lovely morning. The heatwave finally subsided and a light breeze came through the open window. I could hear birds singing as I colored. Lovely, just lovely. I could just imagine my friend, Maureen, sitting outside in the sunshine painting her watercolors. I could sit there with her. Each of us quiet, lost in our own moment enjoying the peace and serenity around us. We all deserve a moment.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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