Monday, July 23, 2018

Random Facts About Me

                                                               Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.


Then, O my soul, be ne'er afraid,
  On Him who thee and all things made
    Do thou all calmly rest;
  Whate'er may come, where'er we go,
  Our Father in the heavens must know
    In all things what is best.

I am a people watcher. I love to sit in the back where I have a perfect view of the entire room. I don't like to sit with my back to people, but the other way around. One could tell a lot about someone just by quietly observing them and their behavior with others. The person that we all see sitting on their front porch, knows everything that goes on in their neighborhood. Anything goes down, go directly to them to find out. I could see myself sitting on that front step, crocheting, of course. 

I am a homebody, finding refuge and solace in my own created sanctuary. If I could stay here hidden in my little cocoon, I would be the most happiest. One of my secret dreams is to find a small little place where I could garden and have internet, of course. It's also my number one struggle as a Christian, because we are made to be in a community. I continually push myself not to be that recluse that I desire so much. 

I have a tendency to sit in my car when completely exhausted or wanting some alone time.This is my prayer closet, my reflection time or I just want a breather. I could turn on the music, lock the doors and close the windows. No one could get in unless I let them in. No one could hear me, either, so I could be as loud as I wanted to be. I could be me. 

I have a weakness for chips or basically anything made from potatoes, but mostly chips. Don't buy or leave a bag of chips near me. They will disappear immediately! Pringles are my favorite. Costco actually has a huge box one can buy of Pringles! I walk past this aisle holding my breath the entire time. If I could walk with my eyes closed, I would. Every time my eyes stray, I can hear Emily saying to me, no way Hosea. Keep walking, lady. She knows that if I ever bought that huge box, I would eat that huge box!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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