Friday, June 8, 2018

What Are You Reading?

                                                                      Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                      everyday is a journey.

The mists lie low on hill and bay,
But I have had the day.
When at thy call I have the night
From light to dark, from dark to light.

It seems that I have been on a quest of sorts. A quest of collecting new and used books! I regret disposing of my collection when we moved out of the house into an apartment. I guess, I thought it was too much for an apartment? Then there is the carrying of boxes. Oh well, today is a brand new day.

1. God's Devotional Book For Mothers
By:W.B. Freeman Concepts
This devotional is unlike any that I've read before. It reads more like Readers Digest with several quotes, personal stories of encouragement and tidbits of wisdom from both known/unknown artists. It's a very inspirational and fun read as I found myself looking forward to reading that next page, that next story. This is a great book as we all need some encouragement from time to time.

2. Hope When The World Falls Apart
By: Russell Burrill
This book is here to offer hope and help for both today and the tomorrows. The author concentrates on the Book of Daniel and Revelation to show the many prophecies that can provide the comfort we need in a world full of chaos. If you are a person who is very worried about what is going on around us, this book is for you. If you are a person who would like to learn more about these two Books of the Bible, this is the book for you. Either way, we all can benefit from it. 

3. Waiting For Morning
By: Karen Kingsbury
This book is the first fictional Christian novel I have ever read. It will make you cry so bring a box of tissues with you as you recline on the couch with this book. It deals with a young woman who loses her family to a drunk driver. The emotions that follow include a hatred of the drunk driver involved and anger towards God for taking her family. A powerful story that will definitely evoke a strong emotion inside of us. Like I said, be ready with the tissues!

I hope you will find the time to check some of these good reads this Summer. Have a blessed day everyone. 

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