Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Here And Now

                                                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

 I rest beneath the Almighty's shade,
    My griefs expire, my troubles cease;
  Thou, Lord, on whom my soul is stayed,
    Wilt keep me still in perfect peace.

So recently, I've been thinking about the "now." Yeah, the now. I mean, I have spent so much time preparing and thinking about my future, but what if that future happened now? What would I do? Am I even ready for it? Sadly no.

What brought this on? Well, my Company has been sold once again. This time it will be a huge difference since we will no longer be part of Avon, Avon will become one of it's many customers. In a few months, all semblance to Avon will be removed. All the signs, pictures, placards. . . everything.

In a way, I find it very sad, because I have spent a good 23 years here. In the beginning, I was extremely proud to work for such a well-known company. People knew who Avon was and nowadays, the opposite is true. I didn't fall out of love with the Company, I fell out of love with the people in it. 

There is a memory that keeps popping into mind of when I first started working at my Company. I remember seeing a woman retiring, not sure of her name, but it was her last day. After the cake and the farewells, instead of just walking out, she walked very slowly taking in every detail. I couldn't forget that memory, but often refer to it. You see, no matter how we feel about our work place, there is a kind of sadness or a realization that this is the last time we will walk here. This is final. This part of our life is over.
Even though we will stay in the same building, it will not be the same. It becomes the past.

Of course, as we await the transition period, rumors fly around like crazy. What will happen to our pension? What will happen to the rule of 85? The questions increase and insecurity becomes the rule of the day. The ones closer to retirement points will be affected the most, they usually are. 

The other day, I awakened early with a thought that popped into my mind. You just keep doing what you'er doing, I'll take care of everything else. I immediately knew it was God letting me know not to worry, so I won't. I won't worry about my retirement or my plans. All I need to do is live in the here and now. God will provide. He always does. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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