Sunday, June 10, 2018

Three Day Weekend

                                                            Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                             everyday is a journey.

Sun of my soul, thou 
Saviour dear,
It is not night if thou be near;
O may no earthborn cloud arise
o hide thee from thy servants' eyes.

Sitting in the car, I sighed deeply, wondering just how I got here. The car sat positioned in a slant, half in the parking spot and half out of it. It wouldn't start, then it went completely dead and finally the anti-theft automatically locking it in. I couldn't even get the key out of the ignition. 

There was no time right now to rant and rave, Emily was expecting me in fifteen minutes to be picking her up from work. She'll have to take the bus and it was the weekend. Who knows when she'll get home. Springing into action, I dialed the necessary numbers. First Emily, then Pepboys and ending with their tow truck hotline. 

Not exactly what I had planned for this 3 day weekend and I had plans. Friday, I awakened early (6 a.m.) and headed out with an errand list long enough to keep me busy all morning. First, an oil change. The technician pulled out a list of his own with much needed car preventive maintenance. Okay, I can deal with it. When I bought this car, I made a promise to take good care of it. By the time they were done, there was only one errand I was able to do. 

Saturday, once more up at 6 a.m., heading out to pick up mom for grocery shopping. The problem was it rained heavily all night and the areas around were flooded. What usually is only a ten minute drive turned into a 30 minute drive going completely in a circle to her place. Then followed by the deli and finally settling in by her place for the Crocheting Ministry Gathering. Mom was hosting again. After that a few more errands, before quickly stopping by at the apartment to make some crepes. 

We were having ricotta stuffed crepes with a hot fruit compote on top. To say we were looking forward to it was an understatement. It's been quite awhile since we had some, usually opting for Summertime when there is an abundance of ripe fruit. A special meal on a special day, only it didn't turn out that way. The crepes finished, I headed out for the final errand of the day, picking up Emily from work. Back to the first paragraph.

So I sat there, waiting for the tow truck from 5:15 p.m. until after 8 p.m. It seems that there was a shortage of tow trucks that day. We did have many floods and accidents from that terrible storm. I sat there, waited and had a good cry. You know, I'm always amazed at other women who are married and don't realize just how lucky they are. Their husbands take care of situations like the one I was in. That's not the case for me. I've always had to take care of things myself and that's a very lonely feeling. 

Emily sat next to me the entire time while I had a good cry. I don't ever want my daughter to feel like I did that moment. Going through life by herself isn't something I want for her. Life is hard, one needs someone beside them. For me, it's just Jesus and I. 

Yeah, I felt sorry for myself, but I also felt grateful. You see, I might have spent a huge portion of my savings, but at least I had some money to pay for it. Yes, I broke down for the first time with this car, but I broke down right in front of my apartment. Yes, I didn't have a car for majority of this weekend, but at least, I was able to take care of the most important errands. I was home, I was dry, I had food. I was okay. How many can actually say the same?

Have a blessed day everyone.

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