Thursday, June 28, 2018

Keeping The Faith

                                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                        everyday is a journey.

Lord, be Thou near and cheer my lonely way;
With Thy sweet peace my aching bosom fill;
Scatter my cares and fears; my griefs allay,
And be it mine each day
To love and please Thee still.

When you least expect it, the Lord comes calling, especially when you have been living in the darkness these past few months. He's been so silent and now He calls you. There are good times and there are bad times. We go through both at one time or another. We've been going through some not so friendly moments with things not going in our favor. Yet, we persevere by keeping the faith and by moving on even if it is a slow process. Step by step, inch by inch we will get there. 

Yet, not all of us come through the fire with our faith in tact. Some of us actually abandon it. I've always wondered why. How could it be that some walk away from God while others grow stronger in the faith? They stop going to Church or their Bible study group. They slowly begin to walk away from their Christian environment.

I can remember many times when things have gone sour. We all can relate to troubles, because none of us are exempt from them. There was one incident where my Pastor's wife told me to go home and spend the day immersed in the Word of God. She was right. It's so easy to do just the opposite without really being aware of it. 

As things begin to crumble, I have learned to be real still, because I know I have no control here at all. I am at the mercy of the Almighty and He can do whatever He wants, because of who He is. We have forgotten how to show reverence to God. He is Holy and we are not. So we're keeping the Faith. Silent. Still. Reflective. Faithful.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Lost In My Own World

                                                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                            everyday is a journey.

I'm sure that some of you have been wondering where I've gone to since I haven't blogged for several days now. There have been many changes going on in both of our lives these past weeks, especially in regards to work. My mind has been wrapped around these issues and I find myself being a bit overwhelmed. 

I have found that when things seem overwhelming or too much of a struggle, it's best for me to step back and become still. I tend to shut out the noise around me and become quite reflective. Perhaps, I do think way too much than what is good for me, but I do learn quite a bit about myself during this silence. 

I am no longer any good at change. It seems I resist change. That probably has more to do with the fact that I like to be the one issuing the change and not have it forced on me. Alas, that is the story of our lives. 

For now, we are in limbo awaiting more information. There is nothing worse than hanging out in uncertainty of what that future may look like. We certainly as people, would love to know the next step. Sometimes, we have to wait for that step to be revealed. 

So no, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth. I'm just waiting. I'm thinking. I'm taking in everything around me. Where will all of this change lead us? Mmm, this should be interesting.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

What Are You Seeking?

                                                     Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

So do not fear, 
for I am with you; 
do not be dismayed, 
for I am your God. 
I will strengthen you 
and help you;
 I will uphold you with
 my righteous right hand. 
( Isaiah 41:10)

How far would you travel to find what you seek?
Beth Moore

I think that depends on where I am going. Am I going alone or with someone? What am I going to gain or lose? Honestly, I think people would go to the ends of the earth to find what they are looking for. Just thinking of my retirement plan . . . I would go far.

I find that we are a people who are always searching for something. We have a deep thirst inside of us for the much more than just what we are experiencing right now. We always want more, much more.

Hope and dreams keep alive our passions so we can keep moving forward. No one wants to hear that their dream is an impossibility. I think that all of us have been disappointed too much in life and we are searching for something or someone to offer solace away from the pain. 

I have been seeking all of my life. What that something was, differed from time to time depending on the stage I was in. I believe we are never done seeking whether that is knowledge, spirituality, love, friendships etc. The list is endless. 

What are you seeking? Perhaps, you have no idea what you should be doing. Or where you should go. All you know is that there is a hole, an emptiness and you have no idea on how to fill it. 

Many years ago, a good friend of mine was going through that very thing. She felt as if she couldn't breathe, because of the emptiness in her life. One night, while everyone slept, she ran out into the silent street and cried out to the Heaven above. God help me! 

I'm so glad she found what she was seeking, because we found each other. She became a great mentor, but most of all, she baptized me. What are you seeking, my friend?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Friday, June 22, 2018

Packing It Up

                                                                     Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                     everyday is a journey.

Is thy cruse of comfort wasting?
    Rise and share it with another,
  And through all the years of famine,
    It shall serve thee and thy brother.
  Is thy burden hard and heavy?
    Do thy steps drag heavily?
  Help to bear thy brother's burden;
    God will bear both it and thee.

It's always the same, I stack up the crochet goods all around me in my bedroom until I can't breathe due to the lack of room. Then it's time to pack it all up for delivery. If it isn't my room that's overflowing with boxes, then it's the car. 

There is something extra special about these deliveries. One of the four will be the Ministry's 100th delivery since we began almost four years ago. Some of you may be wondering why it took so long to get here, but we are a small group. It wasn't always that way. We began with a large number and as the years went, people left for one reason or another. New ones joined and then left. There are only four of us that have been here from year one. 

I am always astounded that we are still here operating on a shoestring yarn budget. Yet, there is so much pleasure in packing these items away in a box sending it to it's destination. My heart swells with joy, simply joy. 

At first, I thought I would be able to deliver only within the community, but we have expanded to different states and even Africa. That's awesome to me to know we are not limited to one spot or location. Recently, a friend went on vacation to Memphis and offered to make a delivery if I had anything available. Are you kidding? Of course! I'm blessed with people's generosity and also with God's grace. Thank you everyone that has made this 100th delivery possible and all those before. Who knows what the future will hold for us.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Here And Now

                                                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

 I rest beneath the Almighty's shade,
    My griefs expire, my troubles cease;
  Thou, Lord, on whom my soul is stayed,
    Wilt keep me still in perfect peace.

So recently, I've been thinking about the "now." Yeah, the now. I mean, I have spent so much time preparing and thinking about my future, but what if that future happened now? What would I do? Am I even ready for it? Sadly no.

What brought this on? Well, my Company has been sold once again. This time it will be a huge difference since we will no longer be part of Avon, Avon will become one of it's many customers. In a few months, all semblance to Avon will be removed. All the signs, pictures, placards. . . everything.

In a way, I find it very sad, because I have spent a good 23 years here. In the beginning, I was extremely proud to work for such a well-known company. People knew who Avon was and nowadays, the opposite is true. I didn't fall out of love with the Company, I fell out of love with the people in it. 

There is a memory that keeps popping into mind of when I first started working at my Company. I remember seeing a woman retiring, not sure of her name, but it was her last day. After the cake and the farewells, instead of just walking out, she walked very slowly taking in every detail. I couldn't forget that memory, but often refer to it. You see, no matter how we feel about our work place, there is a kind of sadness or a realization that this is the last time we will walk here. This is final. This part of our life is over.
Even though we will stay in the same building, it will not be the same. It becomes the past.

Of course, as we await the transition period, rumors fly around like crazy. What will happen to our pension? What will happen to the rule of 85? The questions increase and insecurity becomes the rule of the day. The ones closer to retirement points will be affected the most, they usually are. 

The other day, I awakened early with a thought that popped into my mind. You just keep doing what you'er doing, I'll take care of everything else. I immediately knew it was God letting me know not to worry, so I won't. I won't worry about my retirement or my plans. All I need to do is live in the here and now. God will provide. He always does. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Just Share It: Happy Father's Day

        Today is Father's Day and it can be either a very difficult day or a happy one depends on what your relationship has been. When I was little, my maternal grandfather was my role model and I pictured in my own mind of what a father should be like from him. Now that I am a grown woman who is a believer, I base my image of what a father should be like on our Lord God Almighty. He is my perfect FATHER and all I need I get from Him. I hope you will get to know Him like I do. Today, I wanted to share a post from Anne Graham Lotz her tribute to her father. Happy Father's Day everyone. 

This Father’s Day, memories are precious.  I’m reflecting, not on the public figure Billy Graham, but on the one I called “Daddy.”  The one who was always a farmer at heart.  Who loved his dogs and his cat.  Who followed the weather patterns almost as closely as he did world events.  Who wore old blue jeans, comfortable sweaters, and a baseball cap.  Who loved lukewarm coffee, sweet ice tea, one scoop of ice cream, and a plain hamburger from McDonald’s. Who was interested in everything and everyone, from the small to the great.  Whose mind remembered details that even a computer would have trouble recalling.
Yet as I remember, I can’t help but also think of his message because he was immersed in it.  Saturated in it.  He was his message…a simple man who had responded to God’s love by placing his faith in Jesus, receiving the assurance that his sins were forgiven, that he would not perish, but would have everlasting life.  Simple faith.  Faith that now matters more than anything else.
For years, over his head as he preached was the banner that quoted the words of Jesus:  I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Jesus completed that sentence by saying that no one comes to the Father but by Me.  Based on what Jesus said, Daddy is safely with the Father.  In Heaven.  Daddy not only claimed Jesus as the only Way to God, he lived by the Truth publicly on platforms and privately behind closed doors and is now enjoying real Life.
I have often stated that I was raised by a single parent because ministry took my father away from our family—for weeks and months at a time. Daddy estimated that he was gone from home approximately 60 percent of his children’s growing-up years. Until Daddy started staying home to be with Mother during the last years of her life, I could count on one hand the Father’s Days I spent with him. Yet again and again I’ve also stated that giving him up was more than worthwhile because I have met people all over the world who have come to faith in Jesus Christ as a result of his ministry.
So, while he may be physically absent and his voice silent, I am confident that his message will continue to reverberate throughout the generations to come. I pray that thousands will take up his message like a baton being passed in a relay race and faithfully pass it on to others. Because Daddy’s message is God’s message.  And it’s a message of genuine hope for the future, of love for the present, of forgiveness for the past. It’s a message, when received, that brings a fresh beginning, unshakable joy, unexplainable peace, eternal significance, meaning and purpose to life, and opens heaven’s door.
At Daddy’s funeral service, I publicly vowed that I would do my best to faithfully deliver that same message by preaching the Word, doing the work of an evangelist as I share the Gospel, and living my life so that five minutes before I see Jesus, I have no regrets. (2 Timothy 4:1-8) My gift to Daddy on this Father’s Day is to keep that vow. With that in mind, I recently had the privilege of speaking at the Israeli Knesset, and at the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast.  To my knowledge, there were people of other religions who placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Messiah, Savior, and Lord.
So, the message which Daddy carried to the world that penetrated my own heart as a young girl continues to make impact. This Father’s Day, while my heart aches for the one I called Daddy, I’m celebrating with triumphant joy as I continue his legacy by passing the baton of Truth to as many people as I can.
Anne Graham Lotz

Friday, June 15, 2018

The Everyday Routine

                                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                        everyday is a journey.

Let not ambition mock their useful toil,
Their homely joys, and destiny obscure;
Nor grandeur hear with a disdainful smile
The short and simple annals of the poor.
Nor you, ye proud, impute to those the fault,
If memory o'er their tomb no trophies raise,
Where, through the long-drawn aisle and fretted vault,
The pealing anthem swells the note of praise.
Full many a gem of purest ray serene
The dark, unfathomed caves of ocean bear;
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness on the desert air.
--Thomas Gray.

It's funny how our daily routines change with the Seasons of our lives. I've never been able to maintain only one schedule. I would always make one, but it never lasted past the length of an ordinary Season. Some Seasons are harder than others and keeping that daily routine almost impossible.

I've joined another Beth Moore study called David, Seeking A Heart Like His. This one lasts a good eleven weeks, same time and same place as the last one. Let me tell you that even though I love being in a Bible study, I have to push myself to keep this routine going. Everything in me resists and a quiet voice inside of me wants to do something else, like stay home.

Keeping a routine is pretty hard for me. Finding that perfect schedule is something I have long given up on. To do so, I would have to give up something and I love all of my activities. Why should I have to give up any of them? In fact, I've added something new to that list. 

Nowadays, I lay in bed in the wee hours of the rising dawn, pondering the day's events. Should I go to the grocery store today or tomorrow? Perhaps, a load of laundry or a trip to the Post Office? Usually on Sunday, we take a sneak peek at the upcoming week's calendar and plan to do our best in working around it. That's all I can do. 

I have forgiven myself long time ago for not keeping up with my organized schedule. It's okay if I don't post a daily blog or keep up with my Chronic Illness page. Sometimes, my attention may be needed elsewhere like the Crocheting Ministry (this week's busyness). I could be a little more militarian in keeping a tight schedule. 

Life is meant to be lived. The daily routine will be whatever we make it for that day. Nothing more. Nothing less. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A Mini Meltdown

                                                           Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Prune thou thy words, 
the thoughts control
That o'er thee swell and throng;
They will condense within thy soul,
And change to purpose strong.
--John H. Newman.

I had a mini meltdown the other day, a regular pity party. I was so upset that I wanted to lash out at everyone. My joints have been hurting for several days and because of the pain, bitterness filled me. I saw everyone as my enemy. 

It's so easy to fall back into that someone we used to be. A someone we thought was buried forever, but in reality, they're just buried in a shallow grave ready to pop up whenever we are down. Reflecting back on my weekend, I thought I was done with her. Who said she could come back?

After all was said and done, everything turned out really good. Then why do we automatically worry and think the worst in every trial? Lord knows, that whatever I was worried about, always the worst scenario, didn't even come close to occurring. All those tears and anguish for nothing. Well, almost for nothing.

Yesterday at lunch, my girlfriend and I were talking about how easily we can fall back into our old way of life, even if it is for a split second. We all do it. The difference is that some of us never get back up again, but end up living the old life. I have always been fascinated with why that happens at all. I mean, why do some get up while others stay fallen back? Is one stronger mentally or has a deeper faith than the other? 

It's questions like these that fill my head. The problem is that we all may have ideas why that happens, but in truth, will we ever know? I, myself, cannot imagine a life without Christ. Yet, there are people who feel differently. I know these people. I often wish I could change their minds, but I cannot change their hearts. 

So the meltdown is over, reflections followed and a little bit of shame, too. I thought I was better than that, but obviously I'm still a work in progress. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Three Day Weekend

                                                            Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                             everyday is a journey.

Sun of my soul, thou 
Saviour dear,
It is not night if thou be near;
O may no earthborn cloud arise
o hide thee from thy servants' eyes.

Sitting in the car, I sighed deeply, wondering just how I got here. The car sat positioned in a slant, half in the parking spot and half out of it. It wouldn't start, then it went completely dead and finally the anti-theft automatically locking it in. I couldn't even get the key out of the ignition. 

There was no time right now to rant and rave, Emily was expecting me in fifteen minutes to be picking her up from work. She'll have to take the bus and it was the weekend. Who knows when she'll get home. Springing into action, I dialed the necessary numbers. First Emily, then Pepboys and ending with their tow truck hotline. 

Not exactly what I had planned for this 3 day weekend and I had plans. Friday, I awakened early (6 a.m.) and headed out with an errand list long enough to keep me busy all morning. First, an oil change. The technician pulled out a list of his own with much needed car preventive maintenance. Okay, I can deal with it. When I bought this car, I made a promise to take good care of it. By the time they were done, there was only one errand I was able to do. 

Saturday, once more up at 6 a.m., heading out to pick up mom for grocery shopping. The problem was it rained heavily all night and the areas around were flooded. What usually is only a ten minute drive turned into a 30 minute drive going completely in a circle to her place. Then followed by the deli and finally settling in by her place for the Crocheting Ministry Gathering. Mom was hosting again. After that a few more errands, before quickly stopping by at the apartment to make some crepes. 

We were having ricotta stuffed crepes with a hot fruit compote on top. To say we were looking forward to it was an understatement. It's been quite awhile since we had some, usually opting for Summertime when there is an abundance of ripe fruit. A special meal on a special day, only it didn't turn out that way. The crepes finished, I headed out for the final errand of the day, picking up Emily from work. Back to the first paragraph.

So I sat there, waiting for the tow truck from 5:15 p.m. until after 8 p.m. It seems that there was a shortage of tow trucks that day. We did have many floods and accidents from that terrible storm. I sat there, waited and had a good cry. You know, I'm always amazed at other women who are married and don't realize just how lucky they are. Their husbands take care of situations like the one I was in. That's not the case for me. I've always had to take care of things myself and that's a very lonely feeling. 

Emily sat next to me the entire time while I had a good cry. I don't ever want my daughter to feel like I did that moment. Going through life by herself isn't something I want for her. Life is hard, one needs someone beside them. For me, it's just Jesus and I. 

Yeah, I felt sorry for myself, but I also felt grateful. You see, I might have spent a huge portion of my savings, but at least I had some money to pay for it. Yes, I broke down for the first time with this car, but I broke down right in front of my apartment. Yes, I didn't have a car for majority of this weekend, but at least, I was able to take care of the most important errands. I was home, I was dry, I had food. I was okay. How many can actually say the same?

Have a blessed day everyone.

Friday, June 8, 2018

What Are You Reading?

                                                                      Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                      everyday is a journey.

The mists lie low on hill and bay,
But I have had the day.
When at thy call I have the night
From light to dark, from dark to light.

It seems that I have been on a quest of sorts. A quest of collecting new and used books! I regret disposing of my collection when we moved out of the house into an apartment. I guess, I thought it was too much for an apartment? Then there is the carrying of boxes. Oh well, today is a brand new day.

1. God's Devotional Book For Mothers
By:W.B. Freeman Concepts
This devotional is unlike any that I've read before. It reads more like Readers Digest with several quotes, personal stories of encouragement and tidbits of wisdom from both known/unknown artists. It's a very inspirational and fun read as I found myself looking forward to reading that next page, that next story. This is a great book as we all need some encouragement from time to time.

2. Hope When The World Falls Apart
By: Russell Burrill
This book is here to offer hope and help for both today and the tomorrows. The author concentrates on the Book of Daniel and Revelation to show the many prophecies that can provide the comfort we need in a world full of chaos. If you are a person who is very worried about what is going on around us, this book is for you. If you are a person who would like to learn more about these two Books of the Bible, this is the book for you. Either way, we all can benefit from it. 

3. Waiting For Morning
By: Karen Kingsbury
This book is the first fictional Christian novel I have ever read. It will make you cry so bring a box of tissues with you as you recline on the couch with this book. It deals with a young woman who loses her family to a drunk driver. The emotions that follow include a hatred of the drunk driver involved and anger towards God for taking her family. A powerful story that will definitely evoke a strong emotion inside of us. Like I said, be ready with the tissues!

I hope you will find the time to check some of these good reads this Summer. Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, June 7, 2018

A Simple Meal

                                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                             everyday is a journey.

Beloved, let us love so well
Our work shall still be better for our love,
And still our love be sweeter for our work:
And both commended for the sake of each
By all true workers and true lovers born.

The sizzle of onions browning lightly in butter filled the quiet of the kitchen. It was mid-morning on a Sunday and we just finished Church. Cooking Sunday Brunch became the norm as Emily has been working in the afternoons for quite awhile now. Today's meal consisted of sauteed onion and brussel sprouts over white rice.One of our favorites, for sure, but we say that about all our meals, don't we?

Just a simple meal, that's what we regularly eat. Nothing fancy here from a famous chef on a famous cooking show. Majority of my recipes come from country cooks who learned how to cook with what they had in the garden. You ate your vegetables. You ate all your greens. And they enjoyed it. There were no picky eaters or fast food takeouts. 

Remember that one question people like to ask? If you could go back in time knowing what you do now, where would that be? Well, let me tell you. I would like to live like the people before us have done in the country. I want to grow my own food, raise chickens, can my goods and live the simple life eating simple meals. 

Why does it take us almost all of our life to realize that? I think we have to live a little, cry a little all that the world has to offer. Well, majority of it. When we lose some things in life, we truly realize what is important, especially in our hearts. 

So pull up your sleeves, take out your pots/pans and make a simple meal from your childhood. When you're done, invite someone to share it. A simple meal. A simple conversation. A beautiful Sunday.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Needed: Yarn!

                                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Quiet, Lord, my froward heart,
  Make me teachable and mild,
  Upright, simple, free from art,
  Make me as a weaned child;
  From distrust and envy free,
  Pleased with all that pleaseth Thee.

Hello everyone! Today I'm not posting a story, but come before you with a need for yarn. My Crocheting Ministry is experiencing a shortage of yarn right now. I very rarely come out and ask for donations, because there has always been a steady supply available. 

We have had many ladies come and join the Ministry. Many of them have also gone after a time. Right now, I have about 6 ladies and 4 of them are regular machines when it comes to crocheting. They just whip these crafts out like it's nothing. Now, like I said, it's not always like this. Volunteers come and go. Since the opportunity has presented itself and we have been blessed with more ladies, I would like to keep them actively happy working with their hands for the Lord. 

So if anyone can help with yarn, it doesn't have to be brand new or whole skeins. We will take anything! I will leave the address below;
The Crocheting Ministry Club
c/o Lottie Krol
10064 Holly Lane #1N
Des Plaines, Illinois 60016
Thank you so much in advance. We are continuously blessed by our regular contributors and any new ones that follow. Have a blessed day everyone. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Old Family

                                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                        everyday is a journey.

O youth whose hope is high,
Who doth to truth aspire,
Whether thou live or die,
O look not back nor tire.
Thou that art bold to fly
Through tempest, flood and fire,
Nor dost not shrink to try
Thy heart in torments dire--
If thou canst Death defy,
If thy faith is entire,
Press onward, for thine eye
Shall see thy heart's desire.
--Robert Bridges.

If your family is anything like mine, you probably have relatives strewn all over the U.S. or even in different countries that you haven't seen in years. Some I've never even met. How does that happen? Well, easily enough.

When the kids were little, their cousins would be over daily. Our intermediate family saw each other all the time. For years, we've lived within three blocks of each other. We would be under each other's feet all the time. That is no longer true. Everyone is pretty much spread out from Florida to Wisconsin and beyond.

All this distance has affected our Holidays and get-togethers. Some of us haven't seen each other in years. I find that very sad, because things were different years ago. Distance places indifference and complacency within our hearts. The next thing we know, we make absolutely no effort at all to see one another. We just shrug it off and place the blame on the next guy. If they really wanted to see me, they would do so. Things work both ways, you know. 

So how do families stay in touch? Well, social media being what it is allows us to see one another in a click. Other families have yearly family reunions where they all meet at one particular spot for a weekend. That involves a lot of work! Usually a couple of people perform this task, not one individual.

That's where I'm at now. I want to know all of my family. We have family in Europe that I have been trying to get in touch with from my maternal grandmother's side. They have been living in Paris originally and now are in Sweden or Holland. How exciting is that? The original family member that moved there was my grandmother's sister and she died from ovarian cancer in her forties. Another reason I would love to know all about her. 

Learning about our ancestry is very important and not just for health benefits. I want to break family genealogical stumbling blocks that keep coming back generation after generation. How will we do that if we don't know the members? Or where they came from and what they have endured. More on that in the future, but for now, I hope you will reach out to your family members even those that do not want to keep in touch. It's difficult for people to forgive one another. Believe me, I have one I'm trying to reach. There is always hope so please do not give up.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, June 3, 2018

A Heart For Him

                                                                         Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                         everyday is a journey. 

And oft, when in my heart was heard
  Thy timely mandate, I deferred
  The task, in smoother walks to stray;
  But thee I now would serve more strictly, if I may.

It was a beautiful morning, one we had wished for a long time. It was filled with sunshine and clear skies. A beautiful day to begin a new Bible study. I've said a hundred times before, I love Bible study! We women need other women in our lives.

Of all the Bible studies I have done, I believe that Beth Moore takes the crown for being one of my favorites. As much as I moan and groan at all the homework her studies have, I am glad for it. Her belief lies in the homework being the link in our learning. I believe she is right. We all can sit and listen, but when one digs in deeply by reading and looking up scriptures, you will remember all that knowledge.

Now, I have heard many messages from various Preachers on David. I forgotten to mention the study is on David, Seeking a Heart For Him. One would think I have learned all that I can on that subject, but that's not true. Someone said once that we can read stories or watch the same movie several times and get a different perspective each time. It's true, you know. Isn't that the whole point of a Bible study?

There is another good reason for a Bible study, if I don't understand a scripture verse, there is someone who will be able to explain it. I wouldn't have learned if I didn't join others along in this study. The Word of God is available to us whenever we need it for all areas of our life. The women in my group are all at different intervals in their life and I love to see how this particular scripture has affected them. We never come out on the other end the same as we went in. 

I sincerely hope that each one of you joins in some sort of women group to just plain engage with one another. There is great knowledge to be shared, especially if you are an older woman. Just think of a young woman going through some serious things in her life that once you have endured. Imagine all that advice and experience to pass on to someone else. On the flip side, I've learned plenty from the younger generation! Share your life with someone. Share your experiences.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Simply Laundry

                                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

For His great love has compassed
Our nature, and our need
We know not; but He knoweth,
And He will bless indeed.
Therefore, O heavenly Father,
Give what is best to me;
And take the wants unanswered,
As offerings made to Thee.

Some days are just plain busier than others. The last time I wrote about my laundry situation, it looked like the picture below. Well, add another large hamper overflowing plus two large shopping bags to the mix. Yesterday morning, on my way out for an appointment, the repairman came to fix the machines. Alas, I was very disappointment, because after my appointment I had to go to work and I knew there would be  a mad dash from all my neighbors to finally get our laundry done. 

So like the mad woman that I am, I set the alarm clock for 6 a.m. so I could be first in line to do the first load at 7 a.m. that morning. Selfish all the way, I am. I spent basically the whole morning doing laundry, all six loads until I ran out of quarters. I could have done one more, but the coins ran empty. That's okay, I was pretty tired. 

This isn't my regular routine. Usually, whenever I have a load, in the washer it goes. I don't wait around for a laundry day. Heck no! This took all morning and then some, because all the clothes had to be put away. I don't have time for that!

The older I get, the less I want to do any kind of chores like cleaning or doing laundry. I find myself rushing through it as fast as I can so I can get back to what I love most. 

I find many of my friends and family detesting this chore of laundry the most out of all of them. I can't blame them. Majority of them have small children and we all know what messy little buggers they are! Who could keep up with all that laundry? No one! Not all are lucky to have a laundry facility in their apartment buildings even if it is only one washer and one dryer. Just the thought of dragging all the hampers, bags and cleaning solutions along with your children is a nightmare. I also remember those days. 

So I'm very glad the laundry situation is under control and back on track. Now off to better things in life. 

Have a blessed day everyone.