Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Mustard Seed

                                                                       Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

The task Thy wisdom hath assigned,
    Oh, let me cheerfully fulfil;
  In all my works Thy presence find,
    And prove Thine acceptable will.

Only a few years ago, I've gone from being way up here to way down there. My humility took a beating. What am I talking about? My workplace status.

It seems that Emily and I speak of nothing nowadays, but each other's work. That's the topic around the kitchen table. Work and nothing, but work. 

Work takes such a huge part of our lives that it's only natural for us to have such passionate feelings about the people we work with. It can take the form of something good or something bad. It all depends on where you are at (the stage) while having that emotion.

Sometimes, we feel like the mustard seed, tiny and insignificant. Here we are surrounded by giants in the industry.  In the Bible the mustard seed is represented as a strong, viable little guy that can grow into a giant. That tiny mustard seed has endurance, faith, hope and loyalty. Keep on trucking no matter what. 

That's the kind of image we all would love to wear as our permanent clothing, but do we all have it? I believe so. We just have a different way of showing it. My grandma used to say to me all the time how we should never give up. We should stand our ground, bawling if we have to, but do not give up. 

Her tiny mustard seed has grown during her lifetime, making her stronger by each trial and adversity she faced. Maybe, that will happen to me, too. Just maybe, my mustard seed can withstand whatever my current work situation throws my way.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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