Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Hurt And The Healer Collide

                                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                              everyday is a journey.

Rivers to the ocean run,
Nor stay in all their course;
Fire ascending seeks the sun;
Both speed them to their source;
So a soul that's born of God,
Pants to view his glorious face,
Upward tends to his abode,
To rest in his embrace.

Have you ever sat in your car with the windows up and just start screaming at the top of your lungs in frustration? I did and very recently, too! Frustrations occur in our lives on a daily basis, but as in everything, they can build up into explosions.

There are a lot of angry, unhappy and lonely people walking around searching for peace. Or at least, searching for something to take away their pain, their emptiness. Sadly, they're not even aware of their unhappiness. They just take it out on the rest of us.

Everyday I head out into the secular world with my full armor of God. I am here for a purpose. I am here to be a bright light to others. I am here to proclaim the love of Christ through my words and action. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail miserably. 

When I fail, I pick myself up, dust myself off and head out again in the morning. Usually, that's the scenario. Usually. Then there are the days where I need my healer, because nothing else will help. Nothing else, but Him. I feel broken by the outside world. Broken by people who do not see what I see nor feel what I feel. 

Will this weekend be enough for the hurt to be healed and embraced by the Healer? To feel renewed and refreshed to head out once again into the secular world?

When we don't feel well, it is so comforting for someone to tuck us in and care for us as we rest. They brush away the tears, wipe the sweaty forehead and kiss our cheek. One day, one day I will feel my Lord hold me and everything will be right with the world. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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