Thursday, June 8, 2017

Hand Me Another Basket

                                                             Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Father! replenish with Thy grace
    This longing heart of mine;
  Make it Thy quiet dwelling-place,
    Thy sacred inmost shrine!

I have to admit that I have stolen this title from a sermon I heard from Pastor Jeff Shreve. It dealt with being covered by many blessings from God. So many blessings that we can only say hand me another basket. 

I want to live that kind of life. I want to abide in Him by living a purposeful life He meant for me. I want that agape love that the Bible speaks of. I want all of these blessings where I don't have enough baskets to carry them all in.

I've always been like that. When I engross myself into something, I place my whole being into it. So when I became a Born again Christian, I decided to do just that. The same thing applies here. If there are blessings to be handed out, I want to be in that line. I want everything that God has to offer.

After a miserable week last week, I walked away wounded, defeated and broken. I felt like I failed as a Christian, all my past efforts exploded into anger. It was that easy and that quick. It has been the opposite this week as I quickly am trying to get back on my feet, walking around humbled by my failure and the great grace bestowed on me by Christ. 

I have been blessed over and over again, yet I fall so easily. I feel chastised by my actions, but there is also a deeper resolve not to fall into the devil's trap again. God has been so faithful and good to me all of my life, even in my failure. I am not worthy of any of His baskets full of blessings, but He still loves me. He still forgives me. He still offers another basket to me for future blessings. 

He picked me up, dusted me off, dried my tears and sent me off with a loving reminder. Go try again, Lottie. And Lottie, don't forget your basket.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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