Monday, June 5, 2017

Preventive Care

                                                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

There are times where my heart just aches. I have preached and preached about the importance of preventive care. There are still people out there who just plain refuse to take care of themselves. Please forgive me, but I consider them selfish. We are not here on this Earth for our own pleasure. We have brothers and sisters, parents, mates, friendships and children. We interact with one another no matter if these are good relationships or not. People are affected by our health decisions.

No one knows better the many interruptions and disruptions of waiting in the doctor's office, than I. It is inconvenient and tiresome to say the least, but I do understand the importance of it. Even if I, for whatever reason, cancelled an appointment, my doctor would be on that phone so quick wanting to know the why. And scheduling another appointment for me that very day. 

I said earlier that my heart aches, because someone's cancer has returned that I happen to know. It hurts me, because she does not take care of herself. Cancer is not the only illness she battles and yet, she has an I don't care attitude. Whatever is going on with her for that attitude to exist is another story, but this does not exclude her from the importance of taking care of her own health. 

There were no mammograms done for years. The same for scans or even doctor visits. I'm not here condemning her, judging her during this stressful time in her life. That's not my objective here. I want people to be aware of what their bodies are telling them. Are you tired? Take a nap. Are you having persistent symptoms? See a doctor. 

If you already have an illness or have gone through an illness, it is your duty to continue and seek preventive care. If not for yourself, then for the people who love you. Do not be selfish thinking no one cares or this is your life. Your illness affects everyone around you, everyone. Please schedule that appointment. 


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