Monday, March 20, 2017

Here And There

                                                    Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                     everyday is a journey.

There's nothing bright above, below,
From flowers that bloom to stars that glow,
But in the light my soul can see
Some feature of the Deity.
There's nothing dark below, above,
But in its gloom I trace God's love,
And meekly wait that moment when
His truth shall turn all bright again.
--Thomas Moore.

It's been a very busy month for us. We've never shared the same work schedule before, so things always worked out fine. There was a person at home at all times. If she worked days, I would be home. When I worked nights, she was at home. Now, there is no one at home.

It seems so weird to come home and no dinner is waiting. It seems so weird for the place to be so darn quiet when she works on the weekends. There is nothing, but silence around here even with all these apartment dwellings. Nothing, but silence. 

Every so many months, I try to change it up here on the blog by using different backgrounds. Whenever I read other people's blog's, I sometimes feel like they are so much more advanced in their style than I am. Their blogs are so techno,  filled with witty and inventive categorized posts. Their "click here" to view any post from the last ten years, fills me with envy. I wish I was computer savvy so I could upgrade the technological side of blogging. 

For now, I guess I should be happy that at least I'm using a keyboard and not a typewriter or in longhand. I'm not that far behind in the times. So even if I cannot make this blog more futuristic, I can at least make it pretty.

As I've written in the past, I've been working on more long term crocheting projects rather than whatever I'm feeling. I really missed that random skill making. For this past weekend, I laid aside my projects and simply just crocheted.
I cannot explain how relaxing I found this to be. A wicker basket full of yarn by my favorite chair, while watching my favorite shows on Netflix. What a wonderful time. I wish there was more of it. 

All of this brought on more pondering from me. When we made this move, we ended up saving not just a few bucks, but also time. So how come I'm so behind? I do sleep more here. It must be all the quiet from not living next to a street, especially a busy one. Being off in the second row of apartments really buffers quite a lot of noise. 

Last night, I did view a spectacular sight out my bedroom window. It was thundering and lightening. God put on a beautiful show for me. You see, there are no other tall buildings at that end of the apartment. All one can see is an open sky. I am looking forward to Summer and all the beauty that comes with it. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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