Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Friends Gone Past

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                        everyday is a brand new day.

Build a little fence of trust
    Around to-day;
  Fill the space with loving work,
    And therein stay;
  Look not through the sheltering bars
    Upon to-morrow,
  God will help thee bear what comes,
    Of joy or sorrow.

What a beautiful poem and so very true. I have been feeling melancholy this morning thinking of all past relationships that have dispersed for one reason or another. People come into our lives unexpectedly and just as quickly leave. We become attached and sadness fills our hearts when they leave for whatever reason. 

I really miss my long gone past friends. I miss the comforting smile that Linda always had just for me. You see, Linda loved me and it showed in every fiber of her being. Have you ever felt such love from a friend? I have from Linda. 

It's easy to miss friends that have died or left in a good way, but what about the ones where discord caused our breakup? We all had these relationships that have ended sadly. Relationships that broke without any reason or explanation. Suddenly, they just didn't work anymore. 

There is nothing worse than that friendship that ended over something so silly one cannot even remember. One of my girlfriends will tell you that these people were never truly your friends. True friends don't become upset over silly mundane things. These friends are secretly harboring something against you from the beginning. 

I've been thinking about what she said. We want to believe of ourselves that we are ordinary. We have nothing that others could possibly want, desire or envy. That's how we see ourselves, but the grass always seems greener by the neighbors' next door. The neighbors themselves think our flowers bloom more beautiful than theirs. It's a vicious circle we call human nature.

Maybe my girlfriend has a good point here. Maybe past relationships did have something about me they didn't like, but continued on being my friend. Maybe I was more of a casual friend to them. We all have different degrees of what a friendship is to us. They were more to me than I was to them. 

Today I mourned these past relationships. No matter if these people come back into our lives once again, it will never be what we thought it was back then. Then again, it truly never was then either.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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