Sunday, January 18, 2015

Taking In The Stillness

It's funny what we look forward to as we age. The simplier life becomes an important goal we strive to achieve. No more drama, no more anxiety, no more excess of any kind.
 I can distinctly remember a time in my youth where my nails were polished, I wore every stitch of makeup out there and my hair was the current style. These things mattered to me. So did the size of a home with top of the line furnishings. The american dream of being married, a housewife with many children afoot, and a very attentive husband who only had eyes for me.
Things have a way of not turning out the way we may want them to be for a reason. Nowadays, I'm happy just where I am.

Today, I spent the majority of my day in the Word of God. It's amazing how peacefully serene I felt all day. I listened to audios online to some of my favorite evangelists and I couldn't be happier, drinking coffee and crocheting.

Things have certainly changed, but I think for the better.

I look forward to these quiet times such as today. Life is so hectic that we forget to smile and take in the quiet around us. There is so much to learn in the stillness about each other, the people around us and the world.

So make the time to be still. Have a Blessed day everyone.


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