Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday Prayers

Opening the card, I was surprised to see a familiar name staring up at me. It has been a few months  since I last spoke to Linda, let alone write about her.

Linda has not been doing well at all. Whereas I may have had the cancer return three times now, Linda's cancer never left from it's return the second time. She has had chemo nonstop now since 2011.

If you have followed my blog since 2011, Linda's name is very well-known to you. You may also be aware of how much she means to me. For the rest of you, allow me to introduce my fellow cancer friend Linda.

Linda and I met at church at the grand opening ceremony. The year was 2007 and both of us were newly diagnosed cancer patients out looking for a neighborhood church. After the service they held a pizza luncheon greet and meet. I sat down next to Linda and her husband asking her the now famous question, " Are you wearing a hat for the same reason as me?"

We've been friends ever since, ironically battling cancer at the same time each and every time. Many times I have written about her and if I was remiss, some of you would always ask how she is doing.

Linda is not doing well at all and needs your prayers. She has lost a lot of weight and has absolutely no appetite or taste buds to entice her due to her medications and chemo.

My worry is with her emotional state. We all have to deal with our mortality in our own time, especially when a chronic illness is present. It's not a pleasant thing to talk about, but I want Linda to find peace within her heart. She should never give up the fight. I will keep fighting until my last breath and she should do likewise.

So I am asking everyone to say a little prayer before you eat or before you go to sleep tonight for Linda and for her family. We all could use someone praying for us.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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