Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Winter Wonderland

I've been so engrossed in my work that I haven't noticed the snowstorm outside. Earlier, I noticed it had become a little forecast, but winter has a cloudy overcast so I thought nothing of it.

I glanced outside, amazed at the size of the snowflakes, the scene before me a winter wonderland. Everyone bundled up, covered from head to toe, barely their faces showing.

Oh, how I wish I could hibernate the season away like the bears snuggled deep inside their caves. 

Every morning, I awaken early to the sounds of children and adults getting ready for school and work. My body and mind don't want to leave the confines of my comfortable and warm bed. Instead, I snuggle deeper under the covers.

Winter has a depressing effect on me. There is no sunshine, the weather is cold, slushie and icy. I literally detest warming up my vehicle, scraping and scraping the windshield. My fingers numb as I wait for the car to warm up appropriately. The car also doesn't like winter weather as it reacts negatively by not running well.

Everything one does takes longer in the winter. Longer to warm up the car and longer to drive anywhere. It requires more clothes, more laundry and longer to both dress and undress. A drudge of slush brought in from the outside creates a mess within our humble abodes. Salt lines my hallway rug leaving a never ending cleanup duty.

A strong desire envelopes my being on a daily basis as I struggle  with the urge to call in a sick day. Every single day I will myself to get up and go into work. Once there, another struggle ensues as I will myself to actually stay there.

I dislike winter.

Yet, there are times while sitting in my comfy chair, I watch the snow descending upon the street leaving everything in it's wake a beautiful whiteness. All the tree branches swaddled in a brand new coat of snow, hiding their nakedness.

It's so beautiful and so peaceful. Nature in it's awesome beauty forever spellbinding. Winter always looks great from the inside.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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