Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Stealing Our Joy

I am amazed and I should not be, how easily people and situations just love to steal our joy. The minute I made the declaration of trying to improve my attitude toward work, things go wrong almost on purpose trying to steer me off course.

Not only am I having problems at work with my computer, but it seems here at home as well. This bad weather is affecting my connection. Hence, there have been missing posts here.

I have realized that whenever we seek a new path or try to work towards a new goal, the devil will try to throw things at you to sway us away from our purpose. He does not want us to succeed. I'm trying to remind myself of that fact, since I have been up tossing and turning all night going over the previous days events.

Otherwise, our fast is going very well. We're thinking of all the goodies we can't have, but we're staying true to our goal. We have had minor setbacks attempting to make us fail, but we've handled it.

Yesterday, I got up very early ready to start the day. I had writing on my mind, my fingers itching to get under way. I setup the laptop, checked my e-mails and jotted down a few ideas for future literary projects. The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the apartment and I went to get a cup. Upon returning, my face fell as there were no bars on my internet. I had no connection.

Normally, I would have given birth to a cow, but instead, I turned on the television and grabbed some crocheting that needed to be finished. It never came on again until after I left for work, but I learned to relax and deal with it. In that process, I finished a shawl and a baby blanket.

Going into work, there were more problems, but not once did I lose my cool, nor did I grind my teeth. I have noticed that last year I began grinding my teeth.

It's a new year, folks. There is always someone that wants to steal whatever happiness or joy we may have in our lives. It's time to put a stop that nonsense!

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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