Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Season Of Joy

We look forward to this time of year . In fact , from Fall to Winter , Emily and I enjoy what both Seasons represent overall and to us . We can safely say they are our all time favorite Seasons . 

Don't get us wrong , we don't care much for the cold or the craziness of Winter . Who likes to shovel snow and skid around on ice while     driving ? Not anyone we know . 

There is a comfort that comes with these two seasons like curling up with a cup of hot chocolate , reading a good book while the snow falls gently . Or a bowl of your favorite soup after coming in from the cold . Snuggling under a blanket on the couch with your pet and watching a good movie . For me , crocheting while watching murder mysteries . 

Even though it may sound picturesque , to us it is much , much more than that . 

We spend the Holidays at home from work , just relaxing around one another . If there are any unfinished projects or lists of things needed to be done , this is the time to accomplish our goals . 

No matter how bad the year may have been , we know it is coming to an end . We can leave all of  the sorrow behind us and begin anew in the approaching year . That's why we always start the New Year with a fast of fruits and veggies , wiping the slate clean .

We make a list of things for the New Year like a trip we may want to go on . Or maybe a new piece of equipment or furniture to work toward . Whatever that goal may be , it is a time that is spent in leisure and the fast -paced  momentum of our everyday lives is placed on hold for time being . 

Who wouldn't look forward to that all year long ? 

Have a blessed day everyone . 

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