Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Status Update

As busy as this month has been , it is turning out to be a good one . A perfect ending for a less desirable year. It's also been a month of good results.

My petscan turned out really well and I'm still in remission. My cancer is soundly asleep for now. My mammogram not only came out normal , but I didn't have to go back for a more thorough screening like in the past. It couldn't get any better health-wise. Although , all our dental had to be placed on hold until January due to the holidays and availability of appointments.

At work , I'm filling in for the month as a backup Area Lead , a job I held on third shift. It hasn't been bad at all , the only problem is leaving earlier than normal . My schedule was very tight before and now I basically have to get up extremely early if I want anything to get done before work . Many a nights I have been seen grocery shopping at midnight.

The weekends are no different . My ministry work seems to have exploded with donations quickly leaving as they are coming in. I have given up trying to achieve order in my bedroom , instead sleeping amid the boxes and yarn.

The Holidays couldn't come any faster for us as we plan on relaxing and maybe enjoying what we do best. For me , I miss my writing and crocheting. There haven't been much of either this month. I've began a literary project during Thanksgiving week and I'm itching to get back to it.

To say we are tired , would be an understatement. As soon as 

possible , this old body is looking for a hot soak in the tub and a good glass of wine. 

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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