Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Day Of Family Traditions

Christmas Eve Dinner, Sweet Sixteen Birthday Brunch, New Years Eve Fondue Bash, Movie Marathons. Just a few family traditions during the holiday season. Every year we know to set aside time for these gatherings. Our holiday celebrations are basically set in stone. No matter which holiday it is, we don't need an invitation, we already know the time and place. That's what family traditions are all about.

Today my mind was on family and the  traditions we have held throughout the years. They have changed as they should with  the growing additions as well the times. My mind wandered off , but not to the past, but the future.

My children are adults now and soon the time will come for us to set new traditions as their families expand. I am really looking forward to that time. What will they keep? What will they change?  What new traditions will we add?

It is a pleasure to watch my son interact with Tim and Hannah, playing the same games or reading the same bedtime stories that I did with him. It's easy enough to see the things that meant a lot to him when he was small, because those are the things he chose to do with his children. I hope I am around to see more of the similarities between my children's youth and their own.

I couldn't think of a better way of passing the torch, of honoring our past ancestors than to continue the family traditions they created. As one year ends tonight and another begins, let's make a resolution to remember and enjoy all that family has to offer.

Happy New Year everyone. May it be a Blessed one.

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