Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Importance Of Hair

Majority of my life has been spent not caring about my hair . I didn't believe in wasting time primping , curling or styling any of it . My head was always " wash and wear " ready and I couldn't understand why anyone would spend so much time fixing their hair in the mornings . 

That was then .

When I lost my hair in 2007 , I was devastated . Gone were the long eyelashes that I have been known for and so were the eyebrows . I was completely bald from my head to my toes . I would joke that I looked like  a plucked chicken , but on the inside , I was crying . 

I felt utterly ugly and suddenly , I understood why women groom their hair every morning . It makes us feel beautiful . We want to look beautiful , not so much for others , as for ourselves . Hair took on an important air . 

The second time I lost my hair , I tried to disguise my appearance by wearing hats and scarves in imaginative ways . When my niece was getting married , I spent months leading to the event worried on how I would look . How can I make myself look attractive on such a special day with no hair ? 

My third time with cancer , I totally lucked out and only a small decrease of hair happened . My hair took on the appearance of
 thin and lifeless , in the end , I opted for a body wave . 

 I've learned to appreciated the hair I do have . My long eyelashes are gone , but I do have some to speak of . My eyebrows are almost non-existent , which is fine , no need to trim . I only need to shave my legs a few times a year . Why complain ? I have no nose hairs and it hurts to blow my nose , but hey , it could be worse . 

In the end , it's not about the hair or our appearance , but how we feel both on the outside and inside . It's all about the state of our mental health . I mean , when we die , we're not taking this body with us , right ? 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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