Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Brave Heart

Over the years , I have met many fellow cancer patients , some that have become very dear to me . A person can make  friends while waiting for treatment in a clinic . Why not ? We're there for majority of our day , we might as well as chat with others to pass the time .

Some of these moments with them have been fleeting , lasting only the few hours while receiving infusion . Yet , they have left an impression . There is something deep inside of us that is  provided by God , whether we are believers or not , where we can survive the most difficult of circumstances . 

I have lost quite a few of them to cancer this past year . 

Six days ago , Aubrey's nephew was born with heart problems , needing open heart surgery in the first week of his life . As I scanned his image , all sorts of memories invaded my being . 

Memories of myself being hooked up to numerous tubes and wires where my face was barely seen . The slow healing process and the many setbacks . I remember it all quite well . 

Memories of friends who have been hospitalized , some going home and some not so lucky . The awkward feeling coming from me , as I sat there not being able to do anything , but offer bagels and coffee to the family members who haven't left their side . 

I have been called brave , strong , courageous , but never actually feeling  any of these things  . I merely thought they were being nice and trying to encourage me to live on  and not give in to despair . People saying all the right and polite things . 

Since that time , I have sat in many hospital rooms listening to the cries and whimpering of people in real pain . I have sat quietly in the corner , as the family of a man dying , held his hand . . . . . feeling completely helpless . 

I have , since then , knelt down and prayed countless prayers for countless people who have been dealt a tragedy . All of them pleading for prayer and seeking comfort .

I have seen reflected in these people the same attributes that were associated and bestowed upon me . I see what they saw in me all those years ago .


Why are we so surprised ? Are we not made by God ? Has He not molded us in His image ? Has He not shaped us with His love ? We are born with a brave heart and a strong will to LIVE .

I looked at this tiny child , all of 5 pounds , barely being able to make out his features because of all the tubes hooked up to him . He is fighting . He is fighting for life . 

Brave .

Strong .

Courageous .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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