Monday, November 18, 2013


 I stare at the scene above with longing . The memory of sitting on the patio of the cabin , sipping coffee in the early hours of the morning fresh in my mind  . Hannah dangling her feet back and forth on the swing  ,Tim deep into his vacation journal . The rest of the world still fast asleep as the ducks swim close to the edge of the lake , looking for a handout . 

I could have sat there all day . 

I stare at the scene above with longing . 
The tranquility of that scene ,  a lure from the everyday mundane responsibilities that I find so overwhelming . I yearn for a change and it can't come fast enough for me . 

Reality brings me back to the messes of my cluttered apartment  , the over-scheduling of all my responsibilities and the  too tired attitude of a weary body . 

The changes at work have brought a renewal and a rebirth within me that I wasn't aware lay dormant . Escape is so appealing right now . Don't we all wish we could just jump into our cars and drive wherever the road may take us far away from it all ?

The temptation . . . . . the lure  . . . of leaving it all behind . Who hasn't felt the pull of it ? None of us are exempt . We may not be able to physically act it out , but we can visit there in our dreams .

Have a Blessed day everyone  and keep dreaming of your special place .

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