Wednesday, November 20, 2013


It has been a month of flashing signals strewn across my path , screaming " ERROR , ERROR " right back at me . Some say it has been related to the sudden weather changes , the storms that seemed to ravage the earth , but I believe otherwise .

Signals appear to provide a warning that something is not right . Perhaps . . . .

The car  signals flash across the panel whether it is the  " check engine light " or " car door open "  , each alerting us to stop and take notice .

The computer screen continues to " buffer " or an " error " appears , informing  you that your " PC data is low  " or it's time to delete your cookies .

A message appears on your television informing you of cable being disconnected or to refresh the signal . Perhaps , a payment is past due ?

Warning lights flashing everywhere . I've experienced all of these this past month . I wonder if there's more to it than meets the eye ? Even now , as I try to write this blog , my computer decides to act up and refuses to save .

What happens when we ignore these warning signs ? The car breaks down or we have an accident . The computer crashes or needs to be repaired . The cables  goes out and suddenly we don't know what to do with ourselves .

Warnings , signals and errors . What do they mean here ? I think it's time to listen and take heed .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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