Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Living Among The Clutter

There is nothing more that I detest than clutter . Right now , it seems I'm living in the midst of it , feeling suffocated . I'm constantly tripping over things or moving things from one corner to the next . 

 Right above  and below us lives a family of four and somehow they fit all of their things without the clutter feeling . There is only the two of us , why can't we do the same ?

We have too much stuff ! Storage around here is certainly a problem . Some of these things we have held on to for years
 ( like VHS tapes ) hoping it will come back into style ? ! 

I know myself very well  and I know this stifling and suffocating feeling I have been experiencing has nothing to do with my apartment as much as my life . For whatever reason I'm carrying these feelings around , it's time to do something about them , even if that means a cleaning overhaul  . 

So I'm planning a remodel . Furniture will be moved . Things will be discarded . New things might even take their place . Cupboards will be cleaned out and the cabinets polished , but the real work needs to take place on the inside .

 I am the clutter-er and I can  keep doing the above mentioned over and over again , but it just keeps going back to the same thing . It's not the apartment or lack of storage , it's the person creating the clutter . So let's clean out those cobwebs and see what we will find .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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