Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day One

Day One 
Saturday :

The first day of my long awaited time off from work . Too bad that I  spent most of the the day sleeping . When you work on third shift . . . . that's just how it is . 

I have huge plans for this vacation . I won't be spending it laying on a beach somewhere or in a hotel room . There really won't be much time to sit around with my feet up . 

This week , I will spend time clearing up not just the clutter in my apartment , but also in my mind . I feel so tired and so very drained both physically  and spiritually . Never have I felt such a burnout . All I want to do is sit and do nothing . 

I know that part of it has to do with the affects of chemo . Chemotherapy affects my thyroid in a negative way . Usually , I need more sleep , at times , I even take extra naps . The longer you have been on chemo , the more tired your body becomes . After a certain period , I know my thyroid will regulate itself again . 

So today , I do absolutely nothing . I take out my crocheting , my shows  and a glass of wine and just do nothing . The apartment is quiet , with Emily having dinner with her adopted family . The day goes quickly and I float with it . This is the first day. 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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