Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lift Me Up

Praising God in song lifts our spirits , clears our heads  and opens a place for the Holy Spirit to speak to us .
Thelma Wells

In the early stages , when I was a baby Christian , I really didn't understand how God can speak to us . I would hear people say things like " God told me to do this " or " I felt the Holy Spirit , " but I never quite understood it .

Since then , I have had many episodes where God spoke to me whether by something that I read or just by a feeling of knowing this is the right thing to do no matter how crazy it may sound . Sometimes through music itself .

Every night on my way to work , I listen to Christian music as a relaxer before work . I clear both my mind as well as my heart . By doing so , I find it definitely sets the mood for the rest of the work night .

Wouldn't it be great if we could listen to our music while we are working ? Just imagine how much more relaxed we would be . Music has a way of bringing out the feelings hidden inside , whether they are happy or remorseful . Music also takes our minds off our troubles . Music brings Joy into our life .

As I set out for work tonight , I try to remember all that I have read in my two days off . I know it will be difficult with my body hurting . At home , you can always rest and do things at a leisurely pace . I find myself regretting the decision to work while receiving treatment . Who knew , these side effects would hurt so much ? Emily asked me earlier , " If you could choose which side effect of the three times you've had cancer , which one would you pick ? "

How can you decide that ? Chemo is chemo anyway you look at it , but if I had to , I would take the second time . For now , I breathe in and breathe out and turn on the music .

Have a Blessed Day everyone .

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