Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Few Tidbits Here And There

Hello my friends ! My internet connection has been terrible these past few weeks . I'm sure my neighbors have heard my frustration
regarding this major irritation in my life . I have , at all times , three portals opened : yahoo , facebook and blog . My computers is basically on permanently whether or not I'm actually here or not .

 Here I have all my devotions that I try to read daily . There are certain people in my life with whom I communicate only through e-mails . I totally detest using the phone , I rather write .

Facebook :
Most people criticism Facebook , but  I find this to be a very useful tool . Almost everyone I know has one , even my mom , and whenever I need to contact anyone quickly about any given matter , they respond almost immediately . Don't forget my son's family lives farther away and it's such an easy media tool for us to communicate daily on . I can be part of their daily life and not miss out .

Blog :
This is probably my most valued outlet in my life . I don't think anyone can ever know how much I need this blog . This is my voice , my vent , where I can write my utter most feelings and thoughts .

Other things . . .

For a very long time now , I have been wanting to write my story . In the past , I wasn't able to put it into words . . . it's just wouldn't manifest itself . Last month , I met a woman through a friend , who has been diagnosed with cancer . It seems that whenever I'd reach out to her , she would rebuke my intentions , but in a very nice way . All this , made my mind wander back to when I was in her place . When that happened . . .floodgates opened up and I just couldn't stop . It felt great to be able to write that part of me .

And . . . .

I have missed many days of not posting a blog . I broke my golden rule . I find that I'm just too exhausted from work / chemo . I can't handle it . It is a struggle everyday to get up and maintain my daily routine . The rashes have spread all over my body causing my skin to be very sensitive regarding clothing . My hands especially , are extremely sensitive to any rough or pointy objects . They're dry , chafing , and reddened . Heat is not a friend to my body right now . I have to take cool showers , wear very loose clothing and avoid soap or deodorant . The rashes itself remind me of poison ivy . Crocheting is a problem . This week alone , I have put it aside for now .

Otherwise , it is what it is . Have a Blessed Day everyone .

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