Friday, February 15, 2013

A Lesson In Disguise

This past weekend , I boarded Amtrak to Springfield for Hannah's 7th. birthday . I love visiting them and I also love riding the train . We spent the weekend bowling , watching movies and of course , a birthday party ! On Sunday , I even attended a Bible study for adults . For me , a perfect weekend ! It was everything I hoped it would be .

What I certainly didn't expect is to walk away learning a little something about myself . We all have struggles and I certainly am aware of mine . These past few weeks my heart has been heavy with the discord I feel at work . I looked forward to the weekend with my grandkids to take my mind off these struggles .

On this trip , I brought with me my first ever Bible study workbook titled " Contagious Joy " a Women Of Faith Series Guide . Since I still had a few chapters left undone , I decided to finish them via this trip .

This study was about holding on to our Joy amidst struggles in our lives . I found myself flipping through the earlier pages and re-reading chapters . Whenever I encountered difficulties in my life , I'd think back to this study . Going over the chapters , I can see why .

Experiencing all these dissatisfied feelings at work has brought to my attention the need to overcome the negativity and bring back the JOY into my worklife  . I need to go back and redo this study to bring back the harmony that is so desperately missing . I can't change the people there , but I can change my perspective .

YOU my friends , will occasionally have to bear with me as I go through this transformation . So let's get ready to bring back the JOY into our everyday lives .
Have a Blessed Joy Day everyone .

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