Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Middle Of The Story

What inspires you ? Is it the good deeds of others that are witnessed daily ? How about  a book or famous movie ? To some ,  influential people throughout history spark an inspiration . To each of us , inspiration comes in different forms depending on who we are and where we are at during the stages of our lives .

One of my favorite commercials is the one for the famous soda company where each person sees someone do an act of kindness and they in return , do the same . I just love that commercial . What if we all did that ? Can you imagine what would happen ?

So what inspires you ?

Speaking to my HR manager this morning , she remarked on my positive attitude . I wasn't born with this positive attitude regarding my cancer . . . I've earned it . It looks easy when one enters in the middle of the story . The beginning held so many layers like the skin of an onion . . . .raw and pungent . . . and fresh , bringing tears with every exposed layer .

Everytime  someone mentions how well I'm handling this cancer situation , my mind wanders to the beginning . . . the past . Alot has happened for me to get here .

So what inspires me ?

The past inspires me . It reminds me where I came from , what I've been through and where I'm heading . Having cancer changed my life for the better and I never want to forget that . I've always wondered when people read my blog . . . . . did they start from the beginning ? Or did they just continue from wherever in the middle they happened upon ?

So what inspires us ? What provides us with the desire to get up and face the world ? To produce beauty from ashes ? We have hope and love within us to live the life Christ intended for us . The light within us that only He can provide .

So what inspires you ?

Have a Blessed Week everyone .


  1. Everyday people who face life with courage, love, compassion. You. Your son. My grandchildren living under more stress than a child should have. And yet, they giggle and play as if it's all ok. That's amazing to me...

  2. I believe your right , Maureen . There is inspiration around us daily , we just need to see it .
