Thursday, January 17, 2013

Storms From The Past PT.2

The year was 2007 and Emily was due to graduate from High School in the Spring . I believe it was about March when I started noticing a hard bump in my stomache when you pressed your hand into it . I felt there was something there , but I really paid no attention to it . Unbeknown to me , that was my tumor that I was feeling .

Many people have asked me how did I know ? Was it a papsmear exam ? No , I actually felt it . As time went on , I did have a hard time having a bowel movement . Ovarian cancer is called a silent cancer because there aren't really any  symptoms you can go on .

Like I said , Emily was due to graduate and there were many activities she was involved regarding the graduation . She had pictures to take ; a senior luncheon to attend to ; there was also an award ceremony , a dress to buy , things like that . These things took up alot of time , so I decided I would go to the doctor after the graduation . I wasn't worried or gave it much thought at all . Whatever that thing was it would involve a simple procedure to remove it , I was sure of it .

Well , May came and Emily graduated . It was close to the end of the month before I  finally made an appointment to a doctor . I remember that day so well . It was a Friday . That very morning , I  was clocking out at work and a fellow co-worker asked  me if I was okay . If I was coming back that night . I remember , I laughed and said yeah , I'm coming in . I told her I had an appointment that very morning .

I  wasn't aware that I've lost weight nor that my complexion looked sickly . I never made it back to work that night . In fact , the next time I would see this particular co-worker wouldn't be until the following year in January .

Until tomorrow , my friends with the next installment . Have a Blessed Day everyone .

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