Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Love Of Jesus

Looking at my Nemesis  at work , I'm always full of wonder on  how this person can live with themselves . The things people do and then they justify their actions as correct . I call her my Nemesis , because I fail terribly in loving this person . Whenever , I get close enough to success , well , they behave in a way that I can't tolerate . Trust is broken , friendship uncoils and hurtful words are spoken .

I'm always amazed at how Jesus loves us all . There are no exceptions , no nemesis , no enemies . . . . . . He just loves . Even when they plunged the nails into his palm , He still loved . They nailed Him to a Cross and He still forgave . How ?. . . . how ? . . . .. how ? How could anyone still love ?

Yet , He loves us .  . . . the believers and nonbelievers , all rolled up into one . The abuser and the abused . The hurt and the healer  . We are loved and forgiven over and over again . He keeps extending His hand of friendship out to us . Why can't we do the same ?

As I look out into the everyday world , the bad and the good , that's what I have been reminded of all week . Oh , how He loves us . Here we are on the Sabbath , how many of us actually thought of Him  today ? Thanked Him ? Worshipped Him ? Yet , He still  reaches out to us . . . at times . . . . rejected . Oh , how He loves us . . . . 

Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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