Sunday, December 9, 2012

Celebrating Life

Someone was laid to rest today . A someone who spent a full life of living . As I walked from picture stand to picture stand , I saw her life from beginning to end . Yes , she lived a full life .

Her family related one story after another of their most favorite memory of their time together . They called it a celebration of her life .

Sitting in the pew beside my mom ,  I hear the eulogy of a woman whose life wasn't always easy . We all have something in our lives to work on , to deal with , to endure . No life is perfect or ideal no matter how grand it may look from the outside .

When an older person dies , we celebrate their life . When it is a young person we call it a waste . Did I waste my life ? Do I have regrets ? Do I wish it turned out different ?

Absolutely not . I have lived my life . I have given birth to four children ,  two of which died . I did not have a successful marriage and I'm alone right now . I have lived my life  and it may have not been a great life , but it is mine . Of course , I have regrets , but we all do . I have made mistakes but I've learned from them . I have not wasted my life , I have lived my life  and when I die , my children , will celebrate my life .

I love eulogies . I love to hear what people say in their eulogies about their loved ones . What will mine be like ? Whatever it may be , I know it will be a celebration of my life .
Have a Blessed Week everyone  and live your life .

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