Monday, December 19, 2011


     I've been out of commission for a couple of days very sick . IT started one night with vomiting and the shivers . I was so cold . I'm very familiar with these symptoms since I had this alot the last time (5 to be exact ) . It's an infection . I was on the brink of one and the only thing missing was a temperature .
     I'm not sure if I caught something from someone or if it was part of my treatment side effect .I'm still not 100 % recovered . Right now I'm existing on bread , cabbage soup ,crackers , rice and tea . These foods seem to calm my stomache .
     I do know I had to take a step back and analyze my situation . With my 4th round of chemo approaching next week , my worries fastened on maybe not being able to pass my white blood cell count and having to postpone the treatment .I definitely have to limit my exposure to people even more . The farther we get into the treatment the more difficult it is . Your body becomes weaker and weaker .
   I haven't been writing these couple of days . All I really want is to sleep . Found myself  last night , I'm ashamed to say , very agitated and irritable with my state of things . Very tired of these scarves and being bald . Another rash appeared on my head and I finally realized where it was coming from . It's from certainly one type of my scarves . I have alot of silky ones and they seem to be the culprit .
   Another irritation lied with everyone 's happy mood when I'm so nauseated all the time . The bad or good part of it is that I supposedly look so good all the time . No one would suspect that I'm sick . Well , that's the update . Be back soon .

1 comment:

  1. I've run into some of the same things, Lottie. Apparently, if you aren't falling over, gasping for air, people decide you 'look pretty good', no matter what! I find myself irritated with the trivial side of things this time of year. But, then I realize, Jesus knows who we are, where we are and what we're going through, even if the rest of the world is oblivious. Remember that old song "I Must Tell Jesus"? I love that song. And that's what I need to do at times when I feel like garbage and nobody seems to get it! I hope you feel better...
