Friday, February 1, 2019

Let The 2019 Purge Begin

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

By Thine unerring Spirit led,
We shall not in the desert stray;
We shall not full direction need,
Nor miss our providential way;
As far from danger as from fear,
While love, almighty love, is near.

Today is the last day of the month of January. I began my purge into simplicity quite unexpectedly. In fact, it has been sort of forced on me. I was searching for some minor thing that happened to be in one of the storage bins in my room. Of course, it ended up being in the last bin. Well, the search ended up looking like a bomb exploded in my room. I decided to do something about it.

I certainly didn't think it would take me as long as it has. In honesty, I'm still cleaning up my room from that particular incident. In the end, I organized all the yarn, the craft supplies and material for the Ministry. 

After that, I have been doing a bit here and there. A small shelf in my closet or the shelf in the Living Room. Either way, I've learned some things. One, I have way too many things. Some not even opened, but still in the store wrappings. Two, I have some things that I've only used once or twice. Three, one thing in multitude of colors or sizes. How many pairs of shoes does one person need? Four, I have held onto every receipt, bill, tax form and loan paperwork from the 90's up to now. Shredder anyone?

Sorting through some of these things has caused me some despair. Letting go can really be indecisive. Some of these things that are brand new and unopened, I had to determine if perhaps it was something that Emily could use when she goes on her own. For instance, we have this deep fryer that has never been used. Do we keep this or not? Maybe Emily can use in future? Yet, we do not fry things. So what does one do?

Many of these things I ended up giving away to others who could use them. What was in good condition, we donated to several charities. I did find some surprising things like a sewing apron kit that I gave to Hannah, my granddaughter. Another was an iron on applique. Cute stuff that I love and didn't even know I had. It just shows you how we forget we have these things when they sit in boxes somewhere on a dusty shelf.

The purge is no way close to being completed, but it has been started. Do we really need a year? Oh yes, most definitely! Let the purge begin!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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