Sunday, February 24, 2019

It's A Vacuumed Life

                                                     Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Help us, O Lord, with patient love to bear
Each other's faults, to suffer with true meekness;
Help us each other's joys and griefs to share,
But let us turn to Thee alone in weakness.

Well folks, another vacuum has bitten the dust. I don't know why this household cannot hold onto a vacuum long enough to see it rust or scuffed. This last one only stayed with us maybe six to eight months. 

Even in my childhood, we experienced the same problem. Remember those vacuum cleaners? The constant changing of broken belts and bags. Our belts were constantly popping. I can remember my younger brother remarking once, We should be vacuum testers. They haven't made a vacuum that the Krol family can't break."
All true, except I believe his children have learned how to fix the darn vacuum!

Not our household. We plug along, one vacuum after another. We have tried different brands and models. Maybe a more expensive one would last longer? Not here, why bother with the expense. I think I should consider getting that $3.oo warranty next time. Maybe we could get a free one in a few months?

The life of a vacuum is a hard one around here. We plow through all the bumps, corners and screws of all sizes. We believe our vacuum can pick up anything, including all the hair. Yes, hair. Every roller has had a tight wad of hair around it. We must be very hairy people and only one of us is a cat! 

I often think that perhaps we would be better off with a carpet sweeper, but where does one find one of those? Do they even still exist? Sigh, That's another reason why I don't care for carpeting. Hardwood floors all the way for me! 

So we went out and bought a new one. . . . again. Brought another different brand and model home hoping that this time it will be different. This one will last a little longer. There is always hope.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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