Thursday, February 28, 2019

Just Share It: Lysa Terkeurst

                                                    Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Long though my task may be,
Cometh the end.
God't is that helpeth me,
His is the work, and He
New strength will lend.

Cancer seems to have invaded everywhere. I don't think there can be a person out there who doesn't know someone with cancer. We are all affected by it. Below is another great lady dealing with cancer in her life. Another person. Another story. Another victory. Another perspective. Enjoy.

When God Gives You More Than You Can Handle
“Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.” 2 Corinthians 1:9 (NIV)
I felt sure there had to be some sort of awful mistake. I had no family history of breast cancer. I am young(ish) and healthy. And I was already walking through an incredibly hard season in my marriage that was making life feel impossibly heavy.
Yet there I was, sitting in a pink chair wondering what you’re supposed to do after you get a cancer diagnosis.
I kept thinking about that statement everyone loves to throw out in times like these: “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” But that’s not actually in the Bible.
God does say He won’t allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear and that He always provides a way out. (1 Corinthians 10:13) But that’s not the same as God not giving us more than we can handle.
God didn’t cause this. But He was allowing it. And He sometimes will allow more and more.
As I type these words, I know I’m not the only one who feels they’ve been given more than they can handle.
The world is filled with people who are dealt more than they can handle. And, surprisingly, so is the Bible.
The Apostle Paul wrote: “We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead” (2 Corinthians 1:8-9, NIV).
No, God doesn’t expect us to handle this. He wants us to hand this over to Him.
He doesn’t want us to rally more of our own strength. He wants us to rely solely on His strength. 
If we keep walking around, thinking God won’t give us more than we can handle, we set ourselves up to be suspicious of God. We know we’re facing things that are too much for us.
After my diagnosis, I had some really difficult days. I needed God to show me His perspective so I could set my perspective. But it didn’t come right away. And that frustrated me. I was filled with fear and questions like, Why this? Why now? Why me?
The story I started telling myself was that life would never get any better.
But thinking about everything I didn’t know wasn’t getting me anywhere. So, I started listing things I did know. And the main thing I know? I know God is good. I didn’t know the details of God’s good plan, but I could make His goodness the starting place to renew my perspective.

So now let me tell the story of the recent events in my life using God’s goodness as the central theme. Had things not blown up in my marriage a few months beforehand, I never would have hit the pause button on life to go get a mammogram. But because I had a mammogram at that exact time, the doctors caught a cancer that needed to be caught. And because they caught a cancer that needed to be caught, I had every fighting chance to beat this cancer.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, February 24, 2019

It's A Vacuumed Life

                                                     Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Help us, O Lord, with patient love to bear
Each other's faults, to suffer with true meekness;
Help us each other's joys and griefs to share,
But let us turn to Thee alone in weakness.

Well folks, another vacuum has bitten the dust. I don't know why this household cannot hold onto a vacuum long enough to see it rust or scuffed. This last one only stayed with us maybe six to eight months. 

Even in my childhood, we experienced the same problem. Remember those vacuum cleaners? The constant changing of broken belts and bags. Our belts were constantly popping. I can remember my younger brother remarking once, We should be vacuum testers. They haven't made a vacuum that the Krol family can't break."
All true, except I believe his children have learned how to fix the darn vacuum!

Not our household. We plug along, one vacuum after another. We have tried different brands and models. Maybe a more expensive one would last longer? Not here, why bother with the expense. I think I should consider getting that $3.oo warranty next time. Maybe we could get a free one in a few months?

The life of a vacuum is a hard one around here. We plow through all the bumps, corners and screws of all sizes. We believe our vacuum can pick up anything, including all the hair. Yes, hair. Every roller has had a tight wad of hair around it. We must be very hairy people and only one of us is a cat! 

I often think that perhaps we would be better off with a carpet sweeper, but where does one find one of those? Do they even still exist? Sigh, That's another reason why I don't care for carpeting. Hardwood floors all the way for me! 

So we went out and bought a new one. . . . again. Brought another different brand and model home hoping that this time it will be different. This one will last a little longer. There is always hope.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Gone Awry

                                                              Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                              everyday is a journey.

Workman of God! oh, lose not heart,
    But learn what God is like;
And in the darkest battle-field
    Thou shall know where to strike.

Scenes like the one above are almost gone for the Season. If it snows nowadays, it is more in sleet form than actual piles of snow. It's been a long and hard Winter for sure. I'm not sorry for it, because I like things to be as they should. Winter should be Winter and so forth. 

I had plans for today. Plans that went awry, but that also happens to be life. We both have been working long and hard, keeping overtime hours. We have a goal for the year and we truly have begun aggressively to attack it. This week especially has been hard on me with at least four of the days filled with early appointments. Early appointments mean lack of sleep for me. 

Today, I was supposed to be at a Women's Retreat at our Church. Another early day which meant lack of sleep again. Somehow, when the alarm went off, my body's signals went off as well. Neuropathy alive and strong in my left hand has been bothering me for weeks now. My right arm has tennis elbow. From my hips to my toes every bone was screaming for justice. Knees and ankles swollen, predicting the rain that was to come in the morning. Folks, I felt as if a semi has hit me head on. Let's not forget to mention the red eyes from all the lack of sleep. 

I was tired, bloody tired. I turned off the alarm and made a decision right there not to go, but get some rest instead. I have learned a long time ago the importance of sleep. I have been in remission for almost two and a half years, let's go for even more. Sleep it was and I did so until the afternoon. Emily made me breakfast and a cup of coffee. I ate well, drank well and fell asleep some more. 

Sometimes, our plans have to go awry for a good reason. Sometimes, we have to make a decision that is the best decision at that moment for us. Hope all of you have a very restful day. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Conversation

                                                            Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                             everyday is a journey.       

A human heart knows aught of littleness,
Suspects no man, compares with no one's ways,
Hath in one hour most glorious length of days,
A recompense, a joy, a loveliness;
--William Ellery Channing.

This year seems to be a year for completion, purging of unwanted things and preparation for the future. Quite a large undertaking or at least it is for me. I feel overwhelmed and worry sets in whenever I am forced with things I don't have much knowledge in. Here are some things I hope to accomplish this year.

1. Move my pension into a profitable IRA that can work for me.
2. Rollover my 401k from my previous employer into the new Company.
3. Make a Will, a Power of Attorney and a DNR.
4. Purge the apartment by simplifying our material items.
5. Pay off whatever debt we may have and to start saving for the future. 

Quite a tall order for someone who hates talking on the phone with customer service. I am happy to report that a conversation has happened to begin the process. Joey and I have met with a financial advisor, something that has always scared me in the past. Hence, that was one reason Joey was there with me. He's the knowledgeable one in that department. The advisors speak in a tongue I am not schooled in, but I am slowly beginning to teach myself the basics. It's just way too important not to.

I know it seems I haven't been around posting any blogs recently. My blogs have been few and far between. I have gone AWOL. Well, not to fear. I have been working hard to accomplish the above. Things like this take some time. They begin with a conversation and that one leads to another conversation. And so on and so forth. Hopefully, we all come out a bit wiser.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Oncology Update

                                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

The battle of our life is won,
And heaven begun,
When we can say, "Thy will be done!"
But, Lord, until
These restless hearts in Thy deep love are still,
We pray Thee, "Teach us how to do Thy will!"

Last month, I had a couple of medical appointments that didn't go as planned. I'm sure you remember the four. One had to be rescheduled, another is still pending by insurance, one went well and one had to be redone. 

Yesterday, I had my oncologist visit and I was looking forward to it. I wanted to discuss with her some of the above issues and my thoughts on it. The mammogram never goes well and needed to be redone so she prepared the referral. The colonoscopy went well and doesn't need to be repeated for ten years. Hurray! The Ct. scan is the one we needed to have a look at realistically. 

It seems that insurance companies may not want to pay for what they consider no probable cause scans. Now, we are not sure why the scan was pending in the first place, but it hasn't happened before. My Oncologist had her own views on the why. She thinks it might have to do with the fact that my cancer comes back small. What I mean is that we catch it pretty early since doing scans every 3-6 months apart compared to my very first bout with cancer where the tumor weighed in at 7 pounds! 

So why can't I just rely on the pelvic exam and the CA125 blood work? A CA125 is blood work that is drawn to determine your cancer levels. I think the safe amount is something up to 30 or 35 count. If the cancer is growing, the amount goes up. When the treatment is working, the amount goes down. Well, the CA125 has never been a large number for me. I believe I am at a 6 or 7 even when it is growing. 

The pelvic exam has never been considered the main way to determine whether you have ovarian. In fact, ovarian cancer in general is difficult to diagnose without a Ct. Scan, especially in the early stages. I'm a little uneasy about solely relying on the pelvic. 

So it seems we need to do things a bit differently from now on. My Oncologist has placed another referral for one, but this time, she was a lot more descriptive in my need for one in the comments. The words elaborate clearly have taken on a more important role. 

I do know another ovarian cancer survivor, a three time survivor, who no longer has Ct. Scans. Her visits consist of a pelvic exam and a CA125 labs. Ridiculous. Honestly, I feel we are the perfect example of probable cause. I have a recurring cancer that has happened 4 times already. Isn't that reason enough? I guess not.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Getting Older

                                             Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

O happy house I and happy servitude!
Where all alike one Master own;
Where daily duty, in Thy strength pursued,
Is never hard or toilsome known;
Where each one serves Thee, meek and lowly,
Whatever Thine appointment be,
Till common tasks seem great and holy,
When they are done as unto Thee.

I sat inside my car waiting for Emily to finish her shift. I watched several people walking in and out of the coffee shoppe. There came an elderly gentleman with a small cup of coffee in his hands. He went to the wrong car, trying to get in on the passenger side. It was a bright red and his car was silver, yet he could not distinguish the difference. I almost got out of my car to help him, but he quickly recovered finding his own. I was very pleased to see he wasn't alone, but with a family member. 

I realized at that moment that aging is horrible. In my own family, growing old means well into your 90's. That's a very long time. When I faced my own mortality back in 2011, I knew that possibility might never happen to me. The possibility of my living old like my ancestors was extremely slim. In actuality, I never thought I would reach the age of fifty. Turning fifty was a huge turning point in my life in more ways than one. 

I've been thinking quite a lot about living and getting older. You see, I have an appointment coming up with a financial advisor in regards to my pension. He asked me a specific question that has left me pondering into the aging process. What age do you want to retire? 

This has been a question that has resided in my head for the past several years. Somehow, whenever I think of my retirement it is always in my late fifties, but this was something different. I cannot think beyond that period of my life. Don't get me wrong, but I have come to terms with my illness a very long time ago. Time means something so precious to me, more than it does to the average person. And I'm okay with it.

We all want to live as long as we can, but what we fail to see is the quality of life. We imagine ourselves living well into the future, but with the bodies and minds that we have now. Aging must be horrible. I thought of that man often. I'm sure he hates what is going on with his body and mind. It must be difficult to accept the limitations that come with it. I, myself know of the struggles I've faced with my own limitations due to the cancer. I can only imagine they will get worse as I age. 

I have no idea what is in store for me in the coming future nor do I want to know. I can and will accept whatever comes. I just hope I can continue doing what I love the most. I am, after all, His humble servant and He holds my life in His loving hands. Let me be productive, Lord, let me be productive.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Monday, February 11, 2019

Just Share It: The Weaver

                                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Ask God to give thee skill
In comfort's art,
That thou may'st consecrated be
And set apart,
Unto a life of sympathy;
For heavy is the weight of ill
In every heart;
And comforters are needed much
Of Christlike touch.
—Alexander Hamilton.

I have seen this poem many times before and most likely even shared it with all of you. Yet, there is something about it that one cannot deny. We don't tire of it's message and if you are like me, it seems brand new every time I read it. Enjoy.

The Weaver
By: B.M. Franklin

My life is but a weaving
Between my Lord and me.
I cannot choose the colors
As He weaveth steadily.
Sometimes He chooses dark threads
And I in foolish pride,
Forget He sees the upper
And I the under side.
Not till the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly,
Will God unroll the canvass
And explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver's skillful hand,
As the threads of Gold and Silver,
In the pattern He has planned

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Time Management

                                               Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

There are in this loud stunning tide
Of human care and crime,
With whom the melodies abide
Of th' everlasting chime;
Who carry music in their heart
Through dusky lane and wrangling mart,
Plying their daily task with busier feet,
Because their secret souls a holy strain repeat.

I have been chasing time for the past decade or so. I still haven't caught the little rascal. If you have been following me during that time, you will remember the many, many posts I have written in regards to it. I have spent so much of precious time researching books and articles on how to organize or schedule our routines. I had charts and diagrams of my various chores or activities. All to no avail.

You see, things would work for a while and then suddenly something called life would intervene. Poof! The schedule would disintegrate, crumbling at my feet. The problem here is that I'm trying to fit this huge chunk of stuff into this little bitty square. It will never fit until I delete some things and I have no intention of giving up anything. Absolutely not. 

So nowadays, I have stopped chasing more time and just try to deal with what I do have. I ended up deciding on what is truly important to me and what I absolutely need to do on a daily basis. 
1. I need to go to work every day and time has to be allotted not just for the 8 hours there, but the going and coming part. 
2. I also need to maintain my home by cleaning, doing laundry, paying bills and grocery shopping, just to list a few. 
3. I also need to dwell in God's word as much as I can on a daily basis. I do so by listening to podcasts as I clean or do laundry. Listen to Christian music as I drive or read daily devotions via my e-mails.
4. I need to spend quality family time whenever possible, especially during family meal times. Also, if my children need me while I am in the middle of something, I stop to devote my full attention to them.

Everything else like the Ministry, the blog, the group etc., I do whenever I can. I don't beat myself up if I can't post a blog daily or crochet. I do what I can when I can. Period. Of course, any appointments I have, I keep those. The one thing I wish I did have more time for are my friends where we can have frequent lunches, tea parties or walks together. I feel we spend more time via social media than in physical contact due to lack of time on both sides. 

So here you have it, friends. This is the struggle I deal with when it comes to chasing time. I just do what I can when I can.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Whatcha Reading?

                                                 Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey

Preserve me from my calling's snare,
And hide my simple heart above,
Above the thorns of choking care,
The gilded baits of worldly love.

I've been trying to find more time for reading. In my world, everything involves multitasking. It seems I have forgotten how to just sit quietly with a book in my hands. Life seems to be a constant go, go, go. Find a seat, grab a cuppa and unwind with a good book. I dare you. 

1. The Bible Promise Book
By: New Life Version
This is a very handy small book of various verses from the Bible of God's promises to us. It has a table of contents listing everything one could possibly imagine from Anger to Worship. It claims to contain 1000 promises in total. It's very easy to use when one needs verses quickly. I love this book and find it an absolute necessity in my study of the Word. 

2. Temptation
By: Sherryl Woods
This is a fictional story about a small hometown girl who leaves for the big city to fulfill her big dreams. In a way, we have seen this type of story and movie several times over. We usually run away from our roots and then we realize when life becomes too hard, just how much we actually gave up. It's a great story of a mom and daughter who learn to appreciate each other by learning from each other. 

3. Chasing The Night
By: Iris Johansen
This book is also a fictional story of two women. One is a mother who's child was stolen in the night and the other is the forensic sculptor who has to make an age progression years later after the crime. Each woman suffered the loss of her child and that's what unites them as they face their struggle within. A heart wrenching story so bring out the tissues. 

4. God's Wisdom For Mothers
By: Jack Countryman
This little pocket sized book holds many Bible verses for us mothers who may need encouragement from time to time. The table of contents is not alphabetized in the usual manner, so it may be a bit to get used to. I suggest you take a moment upon purchasing the book to look through the contents and familiarize yourself with it's way.

I definitely hope you will give one of these books a try. Sometimes, we are surprised to find ourselves enjoying something new and totally different. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Friday, February 1, 2019

Let The 2019 Purge Begin

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

By Thine unerring Spirit led,
We shall not in the desert stray;
We shall not full direction need,
Nor miss our providential way;
As far from danger as from fear,
While love, almighty love, is near.

Today is the last day of the month of January. I began my purge into simplicity quite unexpectedly. In fact, it has been sort of forced on me. I was searching for some minor thing that happened to be in one of the storage bins in my room. Of course, it ended up being in the last bin. Well, the search ended up looking like a bomb exploded in my room. I decided to do something about it.

I certainly didn't think it would take me as long as it has. In honesty, I'm still cleaning up my room from that particular incident. In the end, I organized all the yarn, the craft supplies and material for the Ministry. 

After that, I have been doing a bit here and there. A small shelf in my closet or the shelf in the Living Room. Either way, I've learned some things. One, I have way too many things. Some not even opened, but still in the store wrappings. Two, I have some things that I've only used once or twice. Three, one thing in multitude of colors or sizes. How many pairs of shoes does one person need? Four, I have held onto every receipt, bill, tax form and loan paperwork from the 90's up to now. Shredder anyone?

Sorting through some of these things has caused me some despair. Letting go can really be indecisive. Some of these things that are brand new and unopened, I had to determine if perhaps it was something that Emily could use when she goes on her own. For instance, we have this deep fryer that has never been used. Do we keep this or not? Maybe Emily can use in future? Yet, we do not fry things. So what does one do?

Many of these things I ended up giving away to others who could use them. What was in good condition, we donated to several charities. I did find some surprising things like a sewing apron kit that I gave to Hannah, my granddaughter. Another was an iron on applique. Cute stuff that I love and didn't even know I had. It just shows you how we forget we have these things when they sit in boxes somewhere on a dusty shelf.

The purge is no way close to being completed, but it has been started. Do we really need a year? Oh yes, most definitely! Let the purge begin!

Have a blessed day everyone.