Friday, January 11, 2019

The Colonoscopy Pt. 1

                                                           Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Thou hast my flesh, Thy hallowed shrine,
Devoted solely to Thy will;
Here let Thy light forever shine,
This house still let Thy presence fill;
O Source of Life, live, dwell, and move
In me, till all my life be love!

People usually have two types of reactions whenever they hear the word colonoscopy. One, they grimace as if it is something distasteful. I have no idea why people act as if diarrhea, constipation and gas are things that only other people do. Of course, they never do those things. If you have an illness, a disease or are sick, you have done those things. In the medical world, these things are as common as the common cold. Two, they usually comment right away on how horrible the experience was and explicitly inform you of their ordeal they have encountered with it. 

So, first of all, I researched and inquired of my Chronic Illness Group about the procedure and the prep. I'm glad I did. From that research, I knew what to buy, eat and what to expect. Now, the first time I had an appointment was last year, but it had to be rescheduled. You need a ride home, because they will not release you on your own or a Lyft or a Taxi. My Joe was my driver and he developed appendicitis  a few weeks before. Then an abscess. We had no choice, but to reschedule. My hospital/clinic has a waiting list of at least 6 months for a colonoscopy, unless you have probable cause.

I felt that I was prepared better the first time then now. Last time, I had my jello done a day ahead and my broth. This time, everything was done the day of and I was hungry while waiting. In fact, I stayed hungry until the next morning after the whole ordeal. I think it had to do with my mental state. I truly didn't want to do this colonoscopy and almost called it off. The only thing that prevented me from doing that was the fact that Joe was on his way here. 

Secondly, I prepared my prep goods needed. 
 Sorry about the picture being a bit unclear. The jello that is recommended is actually the green or yellow. I did make some red, too, because Emily loves jello. It does satisfy the hunger a bit. 
 The 7up really didn't offer much substance to being a filling drink, but it is good for the nausea that can be involved for some. There is a minor bloating and tummy discomfort. The 7up will be good for that.
I bought both, because I didn't know which one was better or how many I may need. Some people were adamant about this part of the prep being excessive and horrible. I didn't know what that meant so I thought I should be prepared.
The "cocktail" came with a lemon flavoring, but I felt intimidated about the size of the jug. They claimed it was a gallon, but this thing was much larger than that and wouldn't fit in my refrigerator standing up. That was a gallon and a half. I tried to find the exact amount on the packaging to no avail. I wonder why?

To be continued.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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