Friday, January 4, 2019

Not A Good Start

                                                                    Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Let love through all my conduct shine,
  An image fair, though faint, of Thine;
  Thus let me His disciple prove,
  Who came to manifest Thy love.
Simon Browne.

Well, it hasn't really been a good start to the New Year. In fact, it has been a bit chaotic. The cable went out . . . again. A bad connection from the dish to the receiver. Had to call for technical support and I'm sure you know how that went, especially since I detest that sort of thing. The tech support was in the Philippians. It didn't work, so an actual tech had to come out and see what was happening. There was something wrong with the cable itself and not the dish. He replaced it and it works again. 

Now, Emily wasn't pleased at all. This has been the second time technical support was needed and she is the one paying for it. According to her, she is done with it. Well, that's fine with me since I don't watch it anyway. It's funny how things change once we start paying for them. 

So we are once again on a new schedule. Things seem to change constantly, don't they? Emily starts work at 2:30 in the morning until 10 a.m. Since we have one car, I have to get up at 1 a.m. to drive her to work. That is fine. Once you become a parent, one can adapt to all types of sleep patterns. I am just glad she is happy at her work and that it is exactly what she needed at that time of her life. 

Change makes life a wee bit exciting. It may be a little difficult in the beginning, but just imagine how boring things would be if they were the same all the time. Or at least, I think I would be bored.

Next week, I have a very, very busy schedule with two appointments, one for a Ct. Scan and the other a colonoscopy. I'm not thrilled about either. In fact, I am dreading it horribly. Taking three days off so early in the year is not making me a happy camper, but it is all very necessary.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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