Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Another Nesting Day

                                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                           everyday is a journey.

Well, what of that?
Didst fancy life was spent on beds of ease,
Fluttering the rose-leaves scattered by the breeze?
Come! rouse thee,
 work while it is called to-day!
Coward, arise--go forth upon the way!

Emily and I have been working pretty long hours this month, so when we both ended up having the same day off, we decided to do a nesting day. A 24 hour nesting day of doing absolutely nothing, but relaxation. A time of no housework of any kind, only spending time de-stressing by doing whatever we love like crocheting (me) or gaming (her). 

It was wonderful! We dressed in mix matched comfy clothes and spent the day not answering phones or doors. We ordered in a pizza and ate chips with dip, all on paper plates! For dessert we had a banana cream pie and a coconut one. Today, there was no healthy eating. It was all about comfort. Tomorrow, we could go on a major detox! 

I decided to work and hopefully finally finish Emily's blanket after two whole years. It is time, folks. While I crocheted, I watched some Netflix, some PBS specials and listened to some podcasts. Emily went off in her corner of the apartment and we met at suppertime for a pizza.

Let me tell you something, we all need some time to do absolutely nothing. Many people choose to stay at home, but end up spending their time doing chores. That is fine, we all have to maintain our homes. Yet, we all need some family time and relaxation of our bodies. We cannot be working all the time. I have learned this the hard way. I have spent years in trying to maintain and organize my life only to fail. I have tried many schedules and routines only to realize what is truly important to me.

I ended up prioritizing the top important things in my life that I need to make time for on a daily basis.
1. I have to make time for work.
2. I have to make time for family.
3. I have to make time for God. 
4. I have to maintain my home.

Everything else will get done accordingly, but I cannot do without the top four above. I've also have learned to forgive myself when I cannot finish a project at a certain time. It  does get done, but as bit later. There are more important priorities in my life. Now, that doesn't mean that everything else is not important, too. It just means, since I don't want to give up anything to make room, then I do what I can when I can. No stressing allowed. 

Now, that doesn't mean that I become careless in my responsibilities. I don't need to post a blog everyday nor crochet everyday. I don't have to do a vlog on YouTube daily, either. I love doing all these things, but more on a leisure level. It took me years to figure out what my priorities truly have been. You should do the same. Off to enjoy the rest of my nesting day.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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