Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Five Year Plan: The Beginning and The End

                                                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Be useful where thou livest, that they may
Both want and wish thy pleasing presence still;
Kindness, good parts, great places are the way
To compass this. Find out men's wants and will,
And meet them there. All worldly joys go less
To the one joy of doing kindnesses.
--George Herbert.

Five years! That was originally the time chosen for my retirement plans. A lot can happen in that span of time. A relationship can be formed, perhaps even a marriage. A child can be born or even two. Even a dream can be shattered.

                                        My board is ready! Time to display anything and everything I need to achieve in these five years. 

                                  The five year calendar. Everyday I will place an X representing I am one day closer to achieving my dream. These five years are my pre-retiring years.

Well, that was the beginning and then something horrible happened. The Company was sold and the pension plan we had will not be continued after December 31, 2018. For me, to get my full retirement with my milestone points, I'd have to achieved that by January 1, 2019. That will not happen until 4 years from now. Since the Company has been sold, the retirement plan died along with it. It is no longer viable, only the pension money that I have now in the account. 

Since that has changed, I basically have taken down my chart off the wall and purchased a notebook instead. I have no idea what my retirement plan will look like at this point. I do know that the next possible date could take place at the age of 59 and a half. That is about 6 years from now. I've changed the plan to a six year, started writing in my notebook all sorts of things in relation to it. 

For instance, where do I want to live? What do I want to live in? How will I live? What will my finances look like? What do I want my life to resemble? Things like that. This way I can do research along the way and maybe decide on all these questions. Right now, no clarity in sight. A new set of plans are in motion. I just have no idea what they are to be.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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