Sunday, November 11, 2018

My Journey, My Story

                                                            Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                             everyday is a journey.

They that wander at will where the
Works of the Lord are revealed,
Little guess what joy can be got
From a cowslip out of the field.

How does one explain the emotions churning inside when faced with a pilgrimage of a grand design? A pilgrimage that took an entire lifetime of my son, my daughter. I almost can't believe that it has taken 35 years, that even that much time has elapsed.

For the past eight days, my older brother, Ted and I have gone on a trip to Arizona to see our father for the first time in 35 years. Yes, 35 years! Now, I'm not here to bash my parents in anyway. Whatever happened all these years ago is over and buried deep as far as I am concerned. That's exactly where all our disagreements with others need to be. . . .buried!

A few months ago. I just mentioned to Ted, out of the blue, if we should go visit dad after all these years. I have no idea what brought that out in me. I have a sneaky suspicion that the Holy Spirit actually prompted this, but there was no turning back. Ted took complete control and arranged everything like the reservations and all. I am very glad he did, because it felt good to have someone take charge. He lead and I followed. 

We did have a conversation on what our expectations were in this situation. Well, we had none. You cannot go into something huge like this with a chip on your shoulder or any kind of expectations. We had no idea where it would lead from this point or if we would be disappointed. We decided to enjoy this journey not just for him, but also as a way to reconnect with one another as siblings. Anything extra would be a bonus.

I think that we carry around too much baggage. We hold onto the past as if it was our life support jacket! We like the hurt. We relive the disappointments. We cling to the anger. We are too proud to pick up the phone or write that letter. No one has to talk about the past, we can just move forward from where we are at right now. It's that simple. So what happened? Well, you'll have to stay tuned.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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